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KK Cold Smoke Unit arrived !

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So my cold smoke unit finally arrived.. I have had some fitment issues, as My 23 OTB is so old, Dennis couldn't remember if it came over on the Nina, Pinta, or the Santa Maria! 

So. Once I got it all attached via the Guru tube. Did some ribs, using hickory chunks. Got it lit ok, only had to re-light once.. but the chunks burned fairly fast. Nice hickory smoke flavor. I chose to use it before I had it really mounted properly, and when I wasn't looking for a second, it fell over and burnt the S)&! out of my inner arm.. Measured the surface temperature of the tube, it was around 1400 degrees.. Lesson learned.. Wait until it's mounted right. LOL

Had lots of smoke escaping from the side lighting holes in the tube. but still worked ok..

Cleaning. Well, it sure makes a mess that needs to be cleaned.. But worth it.  Soaked in in PBW  overnight. and lots of scrubbing.. I did find a toilet brush at ace, that fits just inside the big tube :) YAY

Next was chicken legs.. This time, I used post oak pellets, microwaved them as Dennis recommends.. loaded the tube half full, lit it and it rip. Pellets stayed lit 100%, still have smoke departing through the side holes etc.. But a nice smokey flavor!  didnt have time to clean it that night.. So yesterday, came home yesterday. was going to clean it.. And.. thought.. hey, before I do, I hot a half pound of cheddar.. Let's cold smoke it.

Had the smoker and unit ready in minutes !  Loaded with a MIXTURE of pellets and chunks. Mostly pellets.. lit It off. No problems.. it was more windy yesterday. and lots of smoke departing the holes..   Thought.. wait a minute.. took a piece of foil and plugged up one of the two holes.. Problem solved! Smoke now billowing out of the smoker! Very little from the hole.. Perfect.. Rolled the smoke on 18 minutes of so, and it was perfect. No appreciable temp change in the grill, awesome smoky flavor, and almost ll the smoke going in the grill where it belongs ;)





Edited by Saucier
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