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I know at least one of you has a modified Xbox

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Why wouldn't you mod an xBox?? it's not like it can play eu games on a US/AU box so you are forced to mod them???

BTW I gave my xbox to my nephew...not enough time to play!

I was being sarcastic dude - hehe. Of course there are plenty of reasons to mod them. I like using my original console on the bedroom TV with Xbox Media Center installed so I can stream music and video to it. I download all my TV shows with commercials already cut and simply store them on the computer which then streams them to either the original xbox in the bedroom or the new 360 (no modding needed) in the home theater room. No DVR needed!


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I was being sarcastic dude - hehe. Of course there are plenty of reasons to mod them. I like using my original console on the bedroom TV with Xbox Media Center installed so I can stream music and video to it. I download all my TV shows with commercials already cut and simply store them on the computer which then streams them to either the original xbox in the bedroom or the new 360 (no modding needed) in the home theater room. No DVR needed!


I wrote that message after 2 bottles of wine and some beers... Didn't detect any subtle sarcastic MS messages...oops... :?

I've got a Zensonic to stream my MP3's and videos but it fails a fair amount (mainly because the PC in my study has a crud antenna connection).

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I built a server box to do the same thing, but after using a couple of network-connected storage solutions, and having them fail, I was paranoid, so the new box has a raid 5 array - which has saved me from having to restore everything once already.

I set it up so that only I have write access, but anyone connected to the network can see and play anything.

It took a couple of months to rip all the cds to .APE files (lossless compression), but was well worth it - we listen to a LOT more of our music now than we did from the physical media.

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I built a server box to do the same thing, but after using a couple of network-connected storage solutions, and having them fail, I was paranoid, so the new box has a raid 5 array - which has saved me from having to restore everything once already.

I set it up so that only I have write access, but anyone connected to the network can see and play anything.

It took a couple of months to rip all the cds to .APE files (lossless compression), but was well worth it - we listen to a LOT more of our music now than we did from the physical media.

What's your TV (or other output) side connection device? That was were a cheap original xbox came into play for mine. Any video type, audio or pics can be decoded with a modded original xbox. With the right software on the PC, the new xbox 360 consoles can also handle any video (including high def).

BTW, if you are into newsgroups (that is where I get all my TV shows), there are groups dedicated to lossless audio codecs already (so it would save you ripping).

I used to use a raid array, but since speed really wasn't an issue, nor safety of backed up data (since it is just media), I went with a half Terra SATA drive after my last raid setup died.


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Drives are mechanical devices...Its not if but when they fail.

I replicate all of the stuff I really care about to different physical devices. But that means computers all over the house. I have been telling myself for a couple of years its time to consolidate to one mothership. It would probably only be used for pictures and music, maybe a little bit of video, but when you can get region free DVD player that supports divx, xvid, and everything else for $30, why bother!

I have 2 DVRs and get everything but the latin channels on Directv, so I wont do TV. There is something to be said for skipping the DTV bill and downloading the shows you want to watch, but I need to keep DTV for the Extra Innings and Sunday Ticket packages. Plus, there is the convenience of having it all right there. When you work with computers all day, there is somethign zen-like about one remote, and a couple button presses :D

I do download TV shows to the laptop occasionally...gotta have some in flight entertainment!

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I don't store videos (yet), but my video card has HDMI out if I want to.

For video, I use an upscaling OPPO dvd player that works quite well. We listen to music a lot more than we watch tv.

I have 1.2 T of audio on the server, which I do have backups of - stored on a bunch of USB drives, but it literally takes days to restore it all and rebuild the network.

I didn't chose RAID 5 for speed, but for redundancy, and it paid off big time when one drive did fail. Actually, I didn't discover the failure for two weeks! when I rebooted the server and the array wouldn't come up. Slipped in a replacement drive, and the array rebuilt itself overnight without my having to do much of anything. I figure it paid for itself right there.

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