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About gerard

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  • Location
    Chickamauga, GA
  • Interests
    BBQ, Gardening, Microscopy, Online RPGs.
  • Occupation
    Ne'er Do Well

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  1. Don't know how long the sale will last but right now they're 69.30. https://www.thermoworks.com/thermapen-one/
  2. Maybe I'm the last to know, but I just ran across this: Spiral cutting hot dogs Haven't tried it on a hot dog yet but it made tonight's store bought Italian sausages better than usual. They're onto something regarding having increased surface area for more smokey goodness.
  3. Pretty amazing work: Apologies if everyone has already seen these but I don't think they're widely known.
  4. Re: Best vacuum packer? (FoodSaver alternatives?) Actually, that was 24h,44m later.
  5. Re: Best vacuum packer? (FoodSaver alternatives?) I regret not putting that in a separate thread in the Komodo General group. I don't think many folks saw it in time down here where I buried it.
  6. Heluva deal, better act fast I'm not in the market, but I imagine some of you are. Per the Slickdeals.net website: FoodSaver has FoodSaver V3840 Vacuum Sealing System for $89.99 (see discounted price in shopping cart). If discount is not automatic in cart, you may try entering coupon code W1FEEEE. Shipping is free. Thanks CallMeTraitor http://www.foodsaver.com/product.aspx?p ... ID=1225267 The usual price is $299.99. Slickdeals frontpage listings usually sell out within hours.
  7. FWIW Just saw this on the SlickDeals website: http://www.amazon.com/Knives-Cooks-Love-Selection-Techniques/dp/0740770020/ref=sr_1_1?t=slickdeals&tag=slickdeals&ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1297297761&sr=8-1 $25 book on knives that is currently 1.64 at Amazon. Free shipping with a prime membership which I imagine most of you have. Seems like to good a deal not to pass along. I've ordered mine. May be a very short lived deal.
  8. Damn. You have more grass packed into a few square feet than I do in my whole yard. Bet you must water/fertilize/mow or something. Very nice.
  9. Thanks for noticing, FM. While I look good in the leather hip boots and red suspenders, nobody fills up the red diaper like Sean Connery.
  10. Re: Charcoal cost I don't know if there is an option for residential non-lift gate delivery, but unlike a kk, there is absolutely no need for a lift gate for the charcoal boxes. IIRC, I paid for liftgate delivery, but the driver called from a semi with no lift gate. We met at a parking lot and we loaded 600ish lbs into a minivan. In my case, the boxes were not on a pallet so it's not like 600lbs had to come off the trailer at one time. I'm guessing each box weighs less than a Webster's unabridged dictionary, if such things still exist. However, I don't know if residential delivery is available without paying for a lift gate.
  11. Someone is a little confused: http://www.eggheadforum.com/index.php?option=com_simpleboard&func=view&id=638459&catid=1 At least she got the part about happy customers and great CS right. PS, isn't the Whiz supposed to keep them people straight over there?
  12. Interesting. Once when I was very ill, the infectious dz doc (incidentally) discovered I had antibodies to Q fever. Apparently I had been exposed in the past but never became clinically ill. It's a rare occupational hazard for us vets.
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