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High Temp Trouble

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Attempted Tandoor chicken this past weekend. The recipes I found seemed to indicate a 600 to 650 degree cook. I've had the KK way up there to do a steak before (once), but this was the first time to try and do a high temp cook for a relatively long time. We had three cut up chickens to cook. Figured two batches (given the size of the upper grill) so I figured I'd need to make sure to carry that kind of heat for about an hour.

Full load of lump (brim of fire bowl)...now here's where I think I went wrong. With the top open about 4 or 5 turns and the little 'wheel' at the bottom wide open, it seemed to take a while to get even over 500. So I open the bottom dampers front and back and watched it a bit (not much happening). So I left kk for a little while and told my buddy that we'd have heat for a long time once I got it up to temp. When I went back the fire had gotten away from me, the dome temp had gone all the way around "I think" cause when I got back the dome temp read a little over 200 and climbing...I reasoned that it might just be pushing 1000 degrees :eek: (that possible?). Anyway water was literally bubbling out of the grout near the handle and my lump was gone. I even pulled the 'Tru-temp' thinking I might damage it by allowing it to "wind up" as it appeared to. But as I pulled it out of the dome it DID NOT spin down counter clockwise through the high temps. but simply settled back to 6 o'clock straight down.

So is it possible the fire say "Flashed" way up and I spent my lump with dampers open (in what I deem to be less than 15 to 20 mins. max) and in that short time the dome had really come back down to 200+ degrees??? How DO you set up for this type of cook? Thanks Guys!

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I don't think it would be possible to burn your lump that fast/hot and have the grill down to 200 in that time. I did a 500 degree cook over the weekend (evening) it was hot for an hour to an hour and a half, then shut down and not touched. In the morning it was still holding heat of around 100 degrees - 12 hours later and it got down to the upper 30's that night.

When you opened your lid was it hot as hell or did you just toast your tru-tel?

When you build a high temp fire it builds slowly and really ramps near the end it can take say 20 minutes to go from 0 to 500 and them it will go from 500 to 1000 in a couple of minutes, I've seen it.

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Boy Fetzer I think you may be right. The lid WAS hot as hell and I better go turn my over on and see if the Tru tel is still "true". The hair on my buddy's knuckles was burnt off and we had the heat deflector *and* a drip pan in between him and the fire.

Looks like I screwed the pooch on this one :oops:

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Violated canine

It's easy to let the temp get away, Bobkat.

Show of hands... who's done it? :smt039

Yup. There was The Recent Incident, of course (hairs missing, etc.). But there was also the "WTF?" incident. That was an effort to do just what you were trying to do - get the temp up hot and hold. But elves must have gotten in and done evil. One minute it was 400, 5 mins later I came out to a blasting 700+ temp. HUH? I didn't peg the thermometer, the way you did (I caught it in time and shut every possible air source).

It happens. Live and learn. Now you know that a little air flow will do just fine. :)

If your thermometer is twinked, the BGE supply places probably have one that will do fine.

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If I am doing higher temp cooking, I usually leave the grill open and regulate via the lower damper. In the beginning I open the slide damper some, when the fire starts burning good, I close it and use the finer adjust damper. If I am gonna close the lid for higher temp cooks, 4-5 turns would be way more than what I would use. You can achieve 400 or more with only one turn of the top damper with the proper lower draft setting. You just have to experiment. I find if doing something with minimal smoke desired, I like the top damper open more and turn the bottom damper more closed (that way the smoke stays in the food chamber less time). If I want more smoke, I choke the top damper down and open the bottom more. So it is just a matter of preference and experimenting, but what fun it is!


BTW, it does sound like you tweaked your thermo pretty good. Test it in some boiling water and re-zero if necessary. You might get lucky.

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Just in case you did tweak your thermometer, here is the OEM:


Too bad the Guru cant be used at those high temps! DJ, didnt I see some talk of higher thresholds on the probes now??

Yeah, hehe, Guru is now selling jacketed probes and added a lid open shutoff for the Guru - how interesting.


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Hey Fetzer' date=' when you say wheel do you mean the 'tiled vent' at the top or the little on down on the damper door? [/quote']Damper door wheel.
how many turns up top to get that high a temp?
Hmm, I'm sure I have counted, but don't recall. I'm going to say around 4 or 5 turns. I would have an opening around 1" high (the "top hat" would be 1" above the lid) In these instances it takes a larger change in settings to affect the temp. I would probably be moving the top hat a half turn at a time to fine tune the temp at those numbers.
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