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How to convert your spouse

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I HAVE one of the others...

I didnt have to do any asking or convincing, but if I did it probably would have made things easier.

"See honey, the new one wont fall apart"

"But the new one has an actual warranty, not an imaginary one"

"The new one opens by itself, so you could even use it if you wanted" (a bluff :D )

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A few years ago I gave up convincing/explaining.

Let's face it. My trying to convince my wife that we need a Festool saw (think of the money we can save when I build a gazebo myself) or Surefire flashlight (we need it in case of earthquake or power failure) is as much a waste of time as her trying to convince me that we need Wedgwood china and sterling silver to save money on dining out.

Instead of strained logic, I've fallen back on an unassailable explanation (i.e. the truth): It's a toy.

She enjoys her toys. I enjoy mine. (But she never complains when I fire up the grill.)

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I went through many seriously ill-conceived experiments proving the inadequacy of existing equipment, followed by laying out plans for a monstrous Italian pizza oven in the middle of our yard. My sincerity was not in doubt because even I was fooled. Then we visited some ceramic cookers and tasted the results.

The price of a ceramic cooker would have been dwarfed by the negative effect on neighborhood property values if I had attempted to build an Italian pizza oven in our yard. Believe me, she was relieved to order something so attractive and small.

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It's about 4 months since I got the Bronze Behemoth. Or the Gold Monster as my wife calls it. Last night, while eating pulled pork and coleslaw sandwiches, I finally got the Official Declaration!

" The KK was definitely worth the money."

She's complimented the food thus far, but that was the first remark approving the price of admission. It's been about thirteen months since I first got an ass chewing about even thinking about spending that kind of coin on a "grill".

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Re: conversion

while eating pulled pork and coleslaw sandwiches

Slightly off topic, but coleslaw is a decent side however it's highly underrated as a condiment. I like a nice spicy slaw on my chicken sandwiches as well!

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