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Yet another Newbie on board

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Just ordered my OTB Ultimate 23.5" in Matte Mixed Green.

I'll post a larger pic as soon as the rules allow.

It's a new tile pattern, not shown in the tile pics, so most of you may not have seen it. As soon as I placed my order, Dennis took it off the Inventory page as well.

I live in Northern VA, have been doing my grilling for years on a trusty Weber. I stick mostly to flank steak, salmon, pork tenderloin. I'm looking forward to more low & slow grilling --- especially want to try some Tri-tip.

For accessories, I'm thinking of a rotisserie, and the BBQ Guru, maybe a nice cover. I'll probably order some side tables once Dennis gets more in stock.

First order of business is to get the monster shipped, delivered, uncrated, and somehow dragged up onto my patio. Luckily it's all relatively open slate, not an elevated wood deck.

Any helpful hints? Should I borrow or rent one of those big dollies they use for refrigerators?


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It comes on wheels so you can roll it across hard surfaces. If you have some lawn to contend with, it comes with rope tied around each leg. The rope is there so you can pass a 2x4 through them, and two big guys can pick it up and carry it like they did in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Alternatively, you can get a sheet of plywood, cut it in half, and leapfrog along by rolling it onto one board, and putting the other in front to do it again.

If that doesnt work, there is a guy in your area who can engineer one hell of a pulley and track system for you, so you could move it on your own, with one hand.

On the guru and rotis ideas...give the grill a shot without them. Youmay find out how steady and easy it is to control without a guru, and compared to a weber, how evenly it will roast even without a rotis.

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On the guru and rotis ideas...give the grill a shot without them. Youmay find out how steady and easy it is to control without a guru' date=' and compared to a weber, how evenly it will roast even without a rotis.[/quote']Thank you Mr. Oldschool - anti-gadget... ;)

Welcome aboard Hitman, do you have a rate sheet?? :shock:

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so you could move it on your own' date=' with one hand.[/quote']

Using the other hand to take pictures of course! You can also use dismantled pieces of wood from the shipping crate to roll the cooker across the lawn. If you have to resort to manual labor, you can also easily remove the lid (which shaves off a lot of weight) and remove the internals to further lighten the load. Or it's a great excuse to rent a Bobcat with a set of pallet forks if you want to have a little fun :lol:

Welcome aboard, and nice way to use the Avatar as a makeshift gallery :)

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Welcome to the club Hitman. I am just a quick sprint up the beltway from you on the other side of the Potomac. As Firemonkey said, the cooker has pretty good wheels on it and will roll pretty easily across relatively smooth surfaces. I am not sure how smooth your slate patio is but if there are any major gaps or unevenness you may want to go the plywood route. I have a concrete paver patio and it can be a bear to move if one of the wheels happens to find itself in one of be depressions where mutliple pavers meet (the pavers have rounded over edges). Just go slow and I am sure you will be fine either way.

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Welcome aboard! Where in N. Va?

Annandale, VA, just inside the Beltway off of Braddock Road.

My patio and front porch is all done in slate, so the KK should roll OK once I get it up there. It's getting up the front steps from the driveway that's a problem.

No worries --- I'll figure it out. 8)

The "Hitman" moniker comes from my days as an amateur DJ. I still do an occasional wedding or party for friends, so long as they like old fart R&R.

Thanks for the advice re the Guru. I think I'll practice a bit first before I get any more gizmos.

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Thanks for the advice re the Guru. I think I'll practice a bit first before I get any more gizmos.

There are only a few times you need to touch the dampers. When you first start it up I put them wide open. Once it gets close to temperature you close them down to about where you think they should be (just cracked for low and slow, but you'll quickly get a feel for this), the one newbies forget is after a few hours when it's heat-soaked and the walls stop stealing the energy from the fire you'll probably need another adjustment, and then just shut them down when you're done. Except for those times the KK's pretty stable, but I still like my gizmos so I use my Stoker nearly all of the time. However, a little extra time to research whether you're a Guru person or a Stoker person never hurts. 8)

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hitman' date=' nice choice of tile. you'll have to give some pics when your cooker is enthroned "in state". also, they cook better if you name them... :D[/quote']

I love taking pics, so will do.

If I name "them"??? I only ordered one! :laughing3:

I'm crummy with naming inanimate objects. But I suppose they can't become anthroprmorphic without a name.

How about "The Crematorium?" :lol:

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