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82.5 lbs of 304 Stainless in a Gen 2.2 ;-)

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I've known that the three 3/8" grills weigh in at a whopping 42 lbs for a while and have been telling people for years that the total SS in the Gen II was at least 60 lbs..

So today I had them throw all the 304 used in a Gen II on the scale and it came to 82.5 lbs!!

I'm more than sure there are lots of stainless gas grills out there that don't have 82.5 lbs of stainless..

Just thought you'd get a kick out of knowing..


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Just owning my Gen 1 is quite a kick ;)

I'd think your Gen 1 would only have less than 1 pound less. There are just some strips in the tail different, a smaller charcoal basket, different latch and side table plates. I think..

BTW the early 1/4" rod latches can be updated to the CNC cut one with roller bearing and cam if the top latch is not welded on (most are not)

And there is a new longer CNC cut latch.. I've designed an upgrade but you would have to saw out the center shaft up top..

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