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Help - Do I trim these ribs?

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I grabbed these ribs yesterday from the meat counter of a Wally World type place here in Singapore. I belive them to be spare ribs, agreed? Yet they seemed to be trimmed different than what I'm used to....should I leave that big flap on top or trim it off? Pretty basic question from someone that has smoked a couple hundred slabs over the years...although I'm used to doing babybacks and buying the three packs at Sam's or Costco when we lived in the States. fetch?id=67971fetch?id=67972

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Re: Help - Do I trim these ribs?

When I buy a whole bone-in loin, and brine it for a few days to make a house-cured ham, I divide the loin into very generous ribs and the center loin, for very different cooking times. One can buy the ribs portion alone as "country ribs" here in the U.S., and they're often as generous as your picture shows, so that's my guess.

So enjoy! "Country ribs" cooked like spareribs comes out spectacular; the extra meat is a bonus. I'd go with this, whatever that cut actually is.

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Re: Help - Do I trim these ribs?

I think I know what these are, could you flip them over for a better view? It looks as if you have a combination of some spare ribs and ribs from the shoulder area. I would take that lean flap of meat off and either cube it for chili,or stew. I think if you BBQ with it on it may be sacrificed to the KK Gods.

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Re: Help - Do I trim these ribs?

Some of the markets here in Indo cut their ribs like that but the problem I've found is that between that top flap of meat and the rib meat is a thick layer of fat. I've cooked them like that and while flavorful, eating that 1/4" layer of fat can be a bit much after a few ribs..

I now cut it off roll it in rub and cook them with the ribs.. since they are thin, they cook much faster so you can pull them early and have a little snack/taste before your ribs are ready..


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