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marco polo

Where do you all get your lump from?

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Re: Where do you all get your lump from?

Any recommended on-line stores. All I see in shops is Cowboy and BGE product' date=' and I would like some other choices. On that topic, what do you all like to burn??[/quote']

Dude, you are in luck. You have way more options than I do and you only live 120 miles away. Along with Cowboy at Lowes & Publix, Royal Oak at Walmart, BGE at pool/outdoor supply places, Harry's / Whole Foods carry their brand, my favorite one is Wicked Good - distributed at several places in your area - http://www.wickedgoodcharcoal.com/georgia.htm .


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Excellent DJ' date=' Whicked Good is the one I was looking for, just didn't want to spend the coin for delivery. Now I can go and pick it up locally. Snap. :smt026[/quote']

Just rub it in - hehehe - I am jealous. Actually, I am gonna grab a bunch next time I come up there. Just wish I could run to the local Ace Hardware and get it here.


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Re: Say DJ...

Any luck last week in finding a German restaurant in Atlanta. Wifey and I on Friday went to see Cirque du Soleil' date=' and on the way home drove by Greens Liquour store. I remembered you liked it. We did not stop, but does it have particularly good deals, what gives??[/quote']

I have got to hurry up and get up there. We have loved all the Cirque du Soleil performances seen everywhere else, but have not taken the time to see the one in our own state. That aquarium sounds really nice too.

I did not find a German restaurant, but I printed out a whole list of places I want to try. I remembered a Food Network show on Atlanta that I had written down all the names from. I looked them up with a map so I can try some of them.

I like Green's because of their beer selection. The prices are ok, but it is the large selection of premiums and imports that draw me too them. There is actually a better store in Athens (I believe it is called Five Points or something like that). Just for info, there was one Green's that was better than the other, but unfortunately I cannot remember which. I want to say it was the one on Ponce de Leon across from a Harry's Market, but I am not positive. But if you are not into good beer, then there is probably nothing special about it.


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Royal Oak - 10 lb Bag for $5.27 @ Walmart

I was at WallyWorld tonight and saw Royal Oak priced for $3.49. I do not know if that was a season close out price or what, as they had a couple of pallets full. I did not pay attention while everything was ringing up, checked when I got home and naturally I got charged the regular price of $5.27. Oh well, I only grabbed 2 bags, but thought I might mention in case other Walmarts are doing the same.


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I buy Cowboy direct from the manufacture and from them with the shipping for a pallet of 30 bags comes to under $10.00 per bag.

I am doing similar with Lazarri lump. Picking it up at the distribution center in Orlando. $12 for a 40# bag. Several of us split the 25 bag minimum order, so if anyone in central Florida is interested in getting in on the deal let me know.

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