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It's 8 AM and the Stoker Says....

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Good Morning all,

17 hours into my first cook with Black Magic (My new Black Tile with Black Grout Supreme OTB) KK. She is really a beauty. Photos cannot really capture the beauty of the high gloss black tile with subtle white speckling accented with dark charcoal grout. Sorta like a KK in a Tuxedo! While typing this I am controlling the KK over the wireless home netowrk via a stoker. The stoker says:

Pork Butt #1 165.7

Pit Temp #1 227.1

Pork Butt #2 165.3

It was a very cold night here, temp in the teens and a good breeze...It was awefully nice to control the KK with a laptop while sitting in front of the fire. Took a little learning to get it all adjusted correct but she rolled all night without a problem. I will post picts later today...


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opinions please...

Is that cheating? lol. Sitting inside by the fireplace, and not outside checking the thermometers. Not getting the sheets smelling like smoke from periodic cooker checking. Just wrong, I tell you. lol :D

Jealousy isn't pretty. Report when they come off the cooker!

How did you season them?

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I did feel a little like it was cheating...LOL

Good Morning All,

10:15 (20 Hours into the cook) and here is the stoker readings

Current time: 10:16:51

Pork Butt #1 167.7

Pit Temp #1 224.9

Pork Butt #2 168.2

Things are going slow...but I guess I am in that plateau area where all I have read says..."don't meess with it just be patient"....I am trying...


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Re: I did feel a little like it was cheating...LOL

Things are going slow...but I guess I am in that plateau area where all I have read says..."don't meess with it just be patient"....I am trying...
Admirable restraint, Dan. :) We're proud of you. Keep up the good work!

How big were the butts when you started, btw?

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Size...lets see...a little math

The two cost $23.50 at $1.39 a pound...that is about 8.5 pounds each...

I had some temp control issues early (IP Address issue with home network...the price of sitting by the fire) and the temp drifted down to around 190 early in the cook....I think that will require them to go a little longer than usual...

At 11:00 the readings are now...

Current time: 11:03:20

Pork Butt #1 170.2

Pit Temp #1 224.5

Pork Butt #2 170.3

So I think things are starting to pick up...

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It's 3:00 PM and the Stoker Says....

Hi All,

Amazing, the KK has been running for 24 hours in outside temps that range from the mid 30's to the teens and a pretty steady wind. All on one load of lump and it shows no signs of slowing down. The Butts are almost done....here is what the stoker says:

Current time: 14:59:17

Pork Butt #1 192.2

Pitt Temp #1 225

Pork Butt #2 185.9

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Almost done!

Well done, Dan! You've got supper!

You professionals can tell me, but is the 24 hour cook really worth it? My project last weekend didn't take more than 6 (heat was higher than 250 for a couple hours, when I fell asleep), and the result was lovely! Good bark, thick smoke ring, excellent pull, etc. Is the 24 hour pork butt really so much better than the 6 hour butt?


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Getting Ready to take them off

Pork Butt #1 is at 202 and Pork Butt #2 is at 195 and into the cooler they go...... I suspect the amount of time this took has to do with my inexperience. I went for several hours at the start at 210. Then (as I mentioned) had some network issues and the temp drifted below 200 for a while. I then ran it at 225 for the rest of the cook...

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Re: It's 8 AM and the Stoker Says....

Good Morning all,

17 hours into my first cook with Black Magic (My new Black Tile with Black Grout Supreme OTB) KK. She is really a beauty. Photos cannot really capture the beauty of the high gloss black tile with subtle white speckling accented with dark charcoal grout. Sorta like a KK in a Tuxedo! While typing this I am controlling the KK over the wireless home netowrk via a stoker. The stoker says:

Pork Butt #1 165.7

Pit Temp #1 227.1

Pork Butt #2 165.3

It was a very cold night here, temp in the teens and a good breeze...It was awefully nice to control the KK with a laptop while sitting in front of the fire. Took a little learning to get it all adjusted correct but she rolled all night without a problem. I will post picts later today...


Dude, you soooo have to get me pics of your grill! That is the same color scheme I am getting!


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Picts of the Que

Hi All,

First attempt to upload a pict...hope it works...the que is now in the cooler resting while the rest of dinner is prepared...For this cook I used Wicked Good Charcoal Weekend Warrior Blend. It seems to have worked real well. There was still quite a bit unburned when I finished after 26 hours...very nice sweet smell also..tasting some of the bark, it had a nice light smokey sweet flavor...

I lurked on these boards for months learning from you all....prepping for the first cook....thanks to the knowledge I gleaned from you all it went rather well.....thanks a bunch.


I will get some picts of Black Magic up...although (as I said before) IMHO a pict does not do justice to the classy look of the black tile with white specs accented by charcoal grout (as I am sure they do not of the other colors) ...a KK in a Tux!



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