I tried a Butterball turkey roast, out of curiosity. It is a mix of dark and light meat tied together with a string net. It was great! All meat, no skin nor bones, the whole thing cooks at the same rate, and cooks quickly. The surface to mass area is nicely proportioned so you get good smoke coverage. It is injected with a 12% solution, not natural, and I actually liked the result of that. When it is done, you just slice the whole thing up easy peasey. Would you serve it at a family gathering? Some of you would never do that, but I would! My sister will deep fry a bird for our big family blow out, and I will supplement with a couple of these babies. It is an EASY way to have some turkey any time of year, quick and tasty. Try one to see how you might fit it in to your armamentarium of cooks. And I smoked the hell out of it with mesquite, another typical poultry no-no. We will be having these often. And you can throw it straight on the KK frozen hard as a rock.