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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2024 in all areas

  1. Oh yeah...welcome to the tile side. You will surely find that they cook better. I did.
    3 points
  2. my dinner 75% of the time when i cook alone...
    2 points
  3. Thanks guys. I think I ve got a great spot for it. Will share photos as soon as it's set up. Let's see if tiles really do cook better
    2 points
  4. There is no escaping physics. The grills expand when heated, creating those small cracks.. They are called crazing in the business, and the material is designed to do that. It also has stainless steel shards all throughout the hot face, which works like rebar. Don't worry at all about those cracks/crazing.. The grills have always been pre-heated in the factory. What stumped us was how a grill could be taken to 1000ºf + for 24 hours in a kiln in the factory, and then heated again with charcoal to 800ºf before crating could vent moisture 3-4 months later in the US. We realized they were picking up humidity on the sea transit. We now meticulously wrap the grills with low-density polyethylene plastic wrap and throw in a big bag of silica desiccant beads to capture any moisture that may sneak in. This has pretty much stopped the venting. There will still be some uncured acrylic solvent that vents from time to time at high temps.
    1 point
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