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David Chang

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David Chang last won the day on July 23

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  1. @tekobo my wife follows chinese folk religion (which basically makes me the same even though i have no idea what i'm doing in temple). but i wonder if any catholics would be offended if i make a columba (the easter dove variant of the panettone) in the middle of summer. they call this a dove, but it looks to me like the holy cross of Jesus Christ. for a city that is not catholic, they sell this mould in hk, but no where do they sell the proper flour to bake it. so i am pestering my wife who is in barcelona now to look for a 5kg or 25 kg bag of panettone flour to bring as check in luggage..
  2. i was gifted a lievito madre in my baking class, which is the essential stiff starter for panettone, colomba, pandoro...and i signed up for a panettone class, but that's not until november. so i figured i might as well try making this thing while i wait 4-months for the next class..
  3. chocolate and citron panettone's. merry italian christmas in july..
  4. yes, we have this in our gourmet market. the rabbit label was what sold me. i was making brown sugar when i only had white..
  5. steak and a salad..😄
  6. gave most away to the office. next time i will try to park bake and see how they taste after frozen and finished baking..
  7. baguettes with 3x pre-ferments (poolish + pasta di riporto + levain) caputo nuvola super
  8. aka clams casino? or is that a different thing..
  9. i wonder what the specs are temp wise..
  10. made pan de cristal today 100% hydration caputo nuvola super W320. overnight levain and poolish preferments. not the crumb i was looking for but still tastes ok..
  11. bak kwa this is like a marinated minced meat snack from south asia. it's like caramelized grilled pork jerky. this stuff costs around $40 USD/lb in a shop.. first time using coco char. i bought it from amazon! 😅
  12. yeah, when i removed the air pin. i could not see light through it and no air came out after blowing into it so it was totally clogged. i don't think i will go back to pellets. when i dumped mine out from the last cook, it started to clump together due to the humid weather..
  13. i couldn't keep it running because i never cleaned the tar off!
  14. happy 4th of july (5th where i am now) but i made candied smoked salmon for the first time. not the color and texture i was hoping for but its edible. i struggled with the cold smoke tube. using pellets but constantly having to relight. i'm going to try bigger wood chips next time like the one @DennisLinkletter used in his yt video, and if that doesn't work, i'm putting this thing away for good. i think i wasted half a can of butane trying to relight it every 15 min..
  15. i always find it amusing that you can't even buy this japanese truck in japan. they have these things...
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