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Posts posted by skreef

  1. As most of you know, I don't do much cooking as ckreef does but we were in Wally World getting our work snacks and a few condiments and i walk by one of those TV screens that was advertising that KC had some new product that can be a bbq sauce, rub or a marinade. And they had the Grape juice for the liquid to make a bbq sauce. I showed ckreef and we went and look for it and they had three different variety. So thats when i told ckreef I would cook a meal with the KC sauce. I decided to try this one. Sweet Honey.


    So we went to a grocery store for a meat. Ribs on sale. So Ribs it is.



    Got the Ribs ready. Use three little pig rub. Cut them in half to keep them over the drip pan.

    Low and Slow


    Looking good


    I decided to make homemade mac and cheese. It pick up some of that smoke goodness.


    Setting the sauce


    The KC product was great to use. I will buy this again. The Grape Juice was a perfect match with this rub. Glad i saw the TV. Normally i never really watch them. Guess it was just perfect timing.

    Thanks for looking

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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  2. Great cook McKenzie... And yes i would love some squash. Love Love. I was in wally world just yesterday thinkinh bout squash. Im going to have go try them on the grill for sure

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

  3. It's going good, water plants coming along. Three gold fish in it. In another month or so I'll post some update pictures - should really be going good by then

    Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk

    Is it mean of me to ask if you stepped on the spider.

    Not for me tiny.. Lol... Hate spiders..

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

  4. You'd better, if you know what's good for you. Otherwise, I be feeding the first bites of anything that I didn't cook myself to the dog first! 

    Exactly, Tony.:)

    Of coarse we all knew you couldn't do this by yourself.


    I do try to keep him caught up. This really was a very Large cook. So many steps to get to the final results. Boy was i full. It was like eating at a fine dining restaurant. Trying all there appetizers. So glad ckreef goes to extreme in his cooking. Cause the benefits of it all is the best. Thanks Love.

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  5. No fish yet. Waiting for the Pond to run a bit before we put fish in.. Going this morning to get some plants... I want to have some hiding places for them from predators. I do love this pic.. She's a mama. She had 4 baby's a week and a half ago.

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

  6. Beautiful, sk and ck.  and to think  a very short time ago none of this excited.

    Thank you Mckenzie. You mean existed? But we are excited to be able to have this oasis. Many days and evenings to enjoy. So glad we decided on this project.

    Sent from my QTAQZ3 using Tapatalk

  7. The CoffeeChar lump is really good lump. I wish I would have ordered a whole bunch when I had the chance.


    I don't like Cocochar. Yes it has no flavor profile but once heated to a certain point it gets really brittle and will disintegrate into powder if you look at it sideways (okay exaggerated a little). If you had two lump baskets, one for only Cocochar it would be manageable but I only have one lump basket so I rarely use it. I have a few boxes in the shed that will probably be there for the next 10 years unless I give them away. Sorry Cocochar fans .......... It is what it is ....

    Charles - Prometheus 16.5", Cassiopeia 19" TT

    Hey ckreef I use it for all my baking cooks. I guess since you got just one, I better get my own

    Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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