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Posts posted by bosco

  1. Amazing!!!!


    Congrats on the purchase, you are going to love it.  If I am not mistaken that is the dark harvest gold pebble finish??  It looks spectacular!!!!


    Great job on the accessories you look like you got everything.  The only other things that I would consider ordering is a cover, second charcoal basket for the splitter and a double bottom drip.


    Now you need to order your roti motor from onegrill.com  

  2. Lol!!! Looks like you found a name.

    A friend came to take a look at them yesterday as he is contemplating purchasing one. My wife seemed to be doing most of the talking about how great they are etc etc. She did brag about how good my food is etc which totally made my day!!!

  3. I messed up a few of the tiles while moving the lid.


    About 5 of them are like this.

    There were two things missing from the kit - grout and the thermometer. But I did get 2 top vent gaskets. The installed gasket got a bit frayed through all of the trips this wayward KK had to take, but I don't think it's serious enough to warrant a replacement at this point.

    Now comes the hard work of figuring out what to make first!

    Will the burn in take care of this ???

  4. I started with another Kamado brand. A KK was never a thought as it was out of budget for me.

    I was tired of the cracked fire boxes and failed components and finally decided it was time to up my game.

    KK is buy far the best quality Kamado on the market and you will never regret the purchase.

    It is so true what you read on the forum... The only regret will be that you should have done it sooner

  5. Like I have said before. I consider myself a knowledgeable person when it comes to vent settings from trial And error on various cookers.

    Switching to the KK was a smooth transition and I was so impressed with the responsiveness of the dampers. KK is like a fine Swiss watch, it has the perfect dials.

    With all that said....

    It amazes me just how sensitive the KK is. I mean that it in a great way. You can literally make 1 degree changes with the slightest movement. Also the air flow design is so perfect that all my previous knowledge and experience doesn't really apply anymore. The KK uses so little air that you really need to learn to dial the dampers back.

    Robert would constantly say dial it back dial it back... I kept thinking this thing is going to snuff itself out and it never did.

    The 32"...... Now this puppy took sometime for me to get the hang of. I have never worried about what I did to start the fire. This thing is a stud and can go from 0-350 quicker than most Jr size Kamado's. That is one heck of an accomplishment for something of that size.

    Wilburpan^^^ says the best advice that any new KK owner should follow. Next to the burn on stage this is the most important step. Play with the dampers and learn what settings get you to where you need to be.

    I can replicate 350-400 with my eyes closed now and getting better with 225-275.

  6. "One thing i have noticed is the gas port on the right hand side, looks a little loose (not a snug fit) on one of the corners. Once it cools down ill see if there is some ash that has gotten caught in the corners"


    This is very possible!! If ash fell in then it may impact the seal.  I too had this once and cleaned it out.  


    When I light the 32" I would light in two spots thinking that was good.  But that always caused super hot temps.  


    My last go around I lit in 1 spot only, directly in the middle of the basket.  


    I also only opened the top a half turn and the bottom was open a 1/4.  


    I remember calling robert and telling him that I think I was going to overshoot the temp again, and he said dial it right back.  


    I had the bottom opened a sliver and the top was barely open.  I hit 225 and staid there forever!!!!!


    Tinker with it and see.  


    Smoke test it, throw in some wood chunks get the smoke going good, and then close the bottom and top vent.  Look to see where the smoke is coming from.  If there is a leak that will show it.


    Sounds like the dome is good so may not be leaking there.   The only other place will be the gas port or the front damper

  7. Churchi, do me a favour.   Go to the KK, lock it in second position.  Is it an easy push into the second latched position or is there a good bit of resistance??


    Also, latch it and push downward on the handle.  Is there any wiggle room??


    Last, with a measuring tape, measure the gap between the dome and the base at the joint.  Measure at the side say in the 1 o'clock position and one measurement at the 5 o'clock position.   


    If the latch doesn't have resistance in anyway pushing closed, there is a big of wiggle room when you push down on the handle and lastly the front gap is greater than the rear gap, then you have a latch that is not positioned correctly.  


    Simply, loosen only the two bolts on the lower latch plate, leave the top alone.  once loosened you should be able to move it down a few mm.  lower the latch plate as far as it will go down and re tighten the bolts.  Use a 10 mm latch.  



    If for whatever reason everything above looked correct, then the other option is that you have the front lower damper or the rear side gas port door loose.  When you close the lid sometimes the pressure from the heat will loosen them.  Simply push on all four corner to make sure they are in tight.


    My guess is the latch.  I had the exact same issue, vents almost completely shut and I couldn't stay below 350.  This is a 5 min fix and I guarantee you that you will never have this issue again!!!  


    Trust me, from what I have learned.

  8. Owning both a 23 and a 32 I have noticed a few interesting things.   The ring pattern that Wilburpan is speaking about is consistent with the 23.  When you light in the middle, the fire slowly grows outward from the middle.  I have noticed however, that when you light the middle with the 32 it always burns to the left for some reason.  My guess is that you had the left vent open and that stoked the fire better on the left.  The right becomes a cold zone perhaps until it really needs to light.   


    Secondly... my first few cooks on the 32, I was struggling to maintain temp on the 32.  I couldn't seem to get below 350.  I did a smoke test and figured out that I had an air leak at the gasket level.  When I pushed down on the handle when it was latched in second position, I still had some flex.  After speaking with Dennis he told me to loosen the two bolts on the lower latch plate and pull the latch down a bit.  I moved it approx. 2.5mm down.  The latch was tighter and it was a push to get it into second position.  PROBLEM SOLVED!!  


    I can hold 150 for hours on the 32 now without issue....

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