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Posts posted by bosco

  1. First of the month brings a new challenge and I have been thinking about this all of February.  


    Today I got up early and got both the 23" set up for low and slow and then 32" up for a bake.  


    I started out with some of my home made Hot Italian Sausage that I made late last year.  I skinned them and got them ready for the fatty.  This fatty was made from pork.


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    after skinning them, I added sliced green olives to the meat and mixed it all up by hand


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    Next step was to roll the meat out.  Rather than making a total mess, I filled a freezer bag and rolled it out inside the bag.  


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    I then cut the sides of the bag open with a knife and prepared the stuffing for the fatty


    I started with some fresh made pizza sauce


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    next I added some mozzarella cheese and pepperoni to the middle


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    next I diced up some mushrooms and hot peppers


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    using the cut freezer bag, I folded the roll and formed the edges to seal it all up


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    now time for the bacon!


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    I weaved the bacon for the outer layer


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    I thought that an angled bacon wrap would look nicer for presentation.  Man this looks good!!!


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    Only one way to make this look better........


    Lanes BBQ Rub 




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    Onto the KK 23" it went at 250 degrees for 5 hours 


    A final look before it hits the grill....




    I used White Oak to give it more of a traditional pizza oven taste.... this was a good call for sure.  It really added a great smoke profile to the meat




    this thing was smoked well and still super juicy on the inside


    I made some pizza dough yesterday in preparation of this cook.  In my mind I thought about making this fatty like a calzone.  I rolled the dough and encased the fatty inside of the pizza dough.  The 32" KK was settled in at 550 degrees with the KK baking stone heat soaked for over 5 hours!!!




    Once all enclosed, I put this on the 32" KK for about 8 min.




    I pulled it off and placed it on a bakers rack to let it cool and not get soggy.  The dough was nice and crispy all the way around




    Sliced it open to take a look at the inner working of this fatty.......




    You can see just how juicy it remained inside.  It was incredibly delicious 




    And finally sliced up for lunch!!



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  2. Whenever you find yourself in agony this week.... just think of my delivery thread!!!  I ordered in August and took delivery in December!!!  I watched shipping sites to track my package everyday and when they finally arrived the long wait didn't seem to matter.


    When you see your KK for the first time you will be absolutely stunned by its beauty and design.

  3. For my pizza cooks on the KK I would just put the upper grate on and use the deflector as a baking stone until your new one comes.

    It's not like the standard ceramic. I have had great success with my pizza.

    I also leave the stone in to heat soak it. I don't take the temp past 550

    So setup A is how I do it.

  4. I have the dual vent so I will try and add some advice.

    I would first recommend tossing the proble gadget aside... Just for a bit until you get comfortable with the KK. Learn its settings without the gadgets.

    Now for both my kks the settings are the same.

    Low and slow cooks

    To start

    Bottom damper 1/4 open

    Top damper 1/2 turn open

    Once around 200 I dial the bottom back to just a sliver open and the top maybe 1/4 turn if that.

    That gets me right around 225-250

    Grilling 350-375

    I can hit this temp in 10 min on the 23 every time

    To start

    Bottom half open

    Top 3 turns open

    Around 300 I dial bottom to a 1/4 open and top down to about 1 turn open.

    That gets you in the ball park of 350 and you tweak slightly from there all using top vent with 1/4 turn increments.

    I don't see the need of bringing grill over 600 so not really leaving things fully open at anytime.

    Lighting- I only light in one spot now for low and slow or high heat. They are very efficient and heat quickly due to air flow and they really have no need for multiple lighting spots. I would always overshoot my temps if I lit in multiple spots.

    You really need to buy into the theory of less is more now. The KK runs better and it is amazing to see just how little air flow is required to heat them up.

    Lastly when you close the top damper it will get to a spot where it stops. That is closed. I then give it a light turn from there as a final lock.

    For me, the two stainless markers stop around the 10 and 4. I turn it just a tad more so it is around the 11 and 5.

    When I do turns I open the damper from 11 and 5 position to a 9 and 3. I then open three full turns so I always know where I am at.

    Honestly a few more cooks and you will be a pro!!!

  5. Hi - I tried the link that ckreef included and it takes me to street 404 - I see some abbreviations and tried to guess, but no luck. Would appreciate the pictures as I have smoke coming out one side...

    Thanks! Doug


    Best to just give Dennis a call. He can trouble shoot issues and solve them in seconds.

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