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Aussie Ora

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Posts posted by Aussie Ora

  1. Aussie this is a clever move by Sco Mo.
    I employ about 30 people in a small family business.
    Part of my business is dead, and part is flat out so I am having open, tough discussions with some of my employees. Not dismissal conversations, more, take some time off so we can survive until post corona.
    If they become unemployed, its a burden on welfare and it takes time for business to rebuild. This package will have us rethink how we can repurpose these people in preparation for the rebuild.
    Everyone within a family business is valuable. Everyone becomes part of a family.
    Bring on the recovery.

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    I reckon it's bloody awesome just need to workout if you don't have to up the payments on top of it

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  2. Good onya mate awesome effort

    Well folks, I don't know where you are, but here in Denver we are on pretty strict lock-down and self quarantine. My Fitness Center and my Tennis Club are closed for at least the next 60 (probably 90, maybe more) days. We are in self--imposed house arrest, rapidly discovering which liquor stores deliver and how to use Instacart. But you know, since you can't sit on the porch and have a glass of wine with your friends and neighbors, you still want to reach out and have some sense of communion and community. And you have to DO SOMETHING with your time, right?
    So, okay, today I made babyback ribs and sauce for all my neighbors up and down the streets: it gave me something to do between noon and 6PM, and I have a half-dozen or so very appreciative friends and neighbors. So I don't consider barbecue a solo sport or activity, and maybe in these trying times your friends and neighbors would appreciate reaching out with the gift of smoked meat and such.
    The before and after, shown below. Also my "mother" bbq sauce recipe- I never make this exactly the same way twice, but this is the base I start with.
    Johnny Harris BBQ sauce- Jim's version Feb 2007.doc

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  3. Officially my last day of work woohoo can sit back and bludge .Dee got the flick from work yesterday . My worst fear has come true all those jobs that I said I would do around the house when I have time has just rocked up. Bugger looks like I have a full time unpaid job at home.

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  4. I've been doing that for years so she'll be right .. But seriously I know us Aussies like a Drink . But that's a pretty ample load a carton and a bottle of bourbon per day . But there is no policing ie I can buy a carton of beer at one store and then just drive to the next we have heaps of bottlos /drive throughs to by piss ..I have squirreled away a few light refreshments .in case we go into total lock down

    Sounds a little bit like prohibition, before you know high speed boats will be running up and down the coast avoiding the coast guard and you'll be meeting with people in dark alleys buying the latest brew. Who woulda knew. You can always make your own, ask Toney for the recipe, although he guards it closely and it may be locked in his vault, under the circumstances I believe he would share

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  5. Every state has closed their borders travelling within Western Australia we are advised don't. Ie Easter holidays are coming up and a lot of us go down south or up north . My company had a meeting yesterday this whole thing has hit them hard but to their credit they are in a financial position to offer me another 4 weeks fully paid work to help lock down their assets. And on top of that can pay me my redundancy .which is a considerable amount of money .which will soften the blow . Plus the government just past a package guaranteeing anyone loosing there job $1100 a fortnight. Literally a million if not more people have lost their jobs . After the 4 weeks are up I will trying my hardest to find work. Before total lock down. Take care everyone please keep your distance .


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  6. The kangaroos are looking rather tempting at the momment.

    You'd be happy to know I finally found a chicken, (or maybe not), regardless, while I was at the store I noticed a sign on the exiting door stating, "The store will open between 6:00 am and 7:30 am for customers aged 60+."  How bout that, might as well run for President cause I can guarantee a Chicken in every pot as long as I can get to the chickens first. Nah, restraint is in order, although all them squirrels in the backyard are lookin mighty temptin, what you think Mac.

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  7. Funny I start work before the shops open this morning it's Saturday here I went to the shop first thing got in and there was no TP. So went and got some flour .I then noticed another customer had TP in their trolley I thought what the fuck went back down the tp isle and there was like 6 x 4 pack rolls .on the shelf strange. So I grabbed one which is all you are able to get .continued buying some other non essential items like ice cream. Yum lol . I walked back past the TP isle and it was empty .no surprise there. But I noticed an elderly lady with a walking aid coming down the isle and the look in her eyes not seeing any TP broke my heart .I just had to give her mine .it made her day and mine

    My wife went to Whole Foods here yesterday (found chicken, but no TP -- a partial win!). The checkout person told her they've been opening an hour early at 7 AM ONLY for elderly to shop first. When the doors open to the general public at 8, they see all the hoarders flood in to raid the shelves that were restocked overnight. Their response is to restock throughout the day to give others a chance. Very interesting. It's just like war.
    Measure: hoarders (the enemy) flood the gates at open.
    Countermeasure: stores keep stock low at open to deny hoarders.
    Anticipating the next step:
    Counter-Countermeasure: hoarders stop by multiple times per day to determine whether there is a pattern to restocking times.
    Counter by stores: randomize restocking to eliminate any detectable pattern, similar to frequency hopping radios. Could even go spread-spectrum by frequently stocking just a few items at a time. 
    Soon stores will be using TP false targets -- projecting holograms of bundles of TP to attract the hoarders. Can even use TP-Gate Pull-Off techniques -- the TP hologram moves just ahead of anyone reaching for it, and gradually walks them out the door, denying them their prize.

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  8. They done that over east the country shops had heaps of city folks rock up and cleaned them out

    Good luck with that. Your best bet is to ride out in the country. Those little stores out in the middle of nowhere are still stocked. I guess they haven't herd the news about a new virus going around. 

    Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk

  9. That's an old show but funny . No good on the chook hunt that's a bit sad .plenty still to be had here. Went to my butcher Today and got hold of some ribs to cook tomorrow. Which is a bonus. Our state government just introduced a 1 person to a 4 square meter rule .that just killed the restaurants and bars.

    Aussie, I went to the store yesterday explicitly for a whole chicken. One chicken so I could cut it in half and hang it in the new smoker for a test run. Wouldn't you know it not a bird to be found, not even a picture of one. So then I said, lets go to the butcher, what the heck...they specialize in meat. Back into the car and across town, 5 miles in the opposite direction. I get there and what do you think...it's a corona virus convention, the stores packed to the gills and guess what, all the chickens are cut into parts. I bought some wings and a good bottle of cheap wine. There's gotta a moral to this somewhere, I know, when your down on your luck, and you can't find a cluck,,,,throw your hands in the air and say what the F.................k.  Think I'll hunker down, eat some wings, watch some reruns of All in the Family, Archie in his chair and me in mine. You do know who Archie is don't you, hope so..the world isn't that small

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