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Posts posted by jonj

  1. The Alabama brother-in-law was passing through last week so I made dinner for a small family gathering. Started with some corn and mushrooms.


    Cranked up the KK, added some top sirloin, evo and seasoning,


    seared the sirloin, 


    let it rest,


    then sliced (some of it; kept the rest for later). IMG_1917.thumb.jpg.92a655c42a5aaca97582006c03a3e19a.jpg

    Plated the lot with heirloom tomatoes, loaded mashed potatoes, baguette and some Cabernet.


    A good time was had by all.


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  2. Welcome! I'll let those with experience on the 32 (or live in Australia) answer your specific questions, but I think all of us would agree no matter what your expectations of a Komodo Kamado are from your research, the actual KK you receive will exceed them. It is a terrific cooker.

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  3. tekobo, has just moved to the top tier of KK members, that's where folks who are instrumental in causing other members to buy more toys go. Congratulations, tekobo. :smt060

    Include me in the KK Shopping Network. Mine arrived a few days ago but I haven't gotten it seasoned yet. One can't really have too many devices. Vices, on the other hand...

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  4. At the risk of wading into an engineering discussion with a liberal arts degree, it seems to me one of the benefits of the 32 is the split grate configuration. I think it would be nice to have the availability of a split / half grate (either the main, mid or both) accessory for the 23. 

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  5. Gooseberries and pork? I would not have thought of it. As a kid on the farm, I used to pick gooseberries for my grandmother to make cobblers ("... all the sugar they will take, and a little bit more."), but I hadn't considered them for a sauce for pork. Nor, actually, a blueberry BBQ sauce. This is very interesting...

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