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Posts posted by jonj

  1. I can't say I have had to change the vent settings, but to be fair I usually adjust top and bottom as I close in on the final temp. I generally just use the coco for low temp cooks and the top vent setting is in the 1/16th of a turn for around 225°F on mine. Today however I have some leftover coco with new big lump Fugo to grill some skirt steak this afternoon so I I notice any big difference I will post again.

    Interesting question.

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  2. I thought you might enjoy this, Tony. The brewery is named for their two kids (Madeleine & Frederick, I think). Hence the Aesop's Fable names and small tales on the label. They also published a small book of Aesop's Fables which is in the taproom. Nile's wife, Whitney Fisher, is also a terrific winemaker (Fisher Vineyards). Super nice people.

  3. On vacation in Napa Valley, California and went by David Arthur Vineyards to taste some current wines and catch up with the winemaker, Nile Zackerle. I've shared some of his home-brew before, but now found he has gone pro with his own line of craft beers, using local ingredients and re-discovering some styles of either lost in history or at least rarely brewed. I ended up shipping some home.

    Since there are some home brewers and beer aficionados here, I thought I'd share his web site for those interested.



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  4. This photo is of a couple of regular sized Kansas City Strip steaks, likely 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 pound each. Easily room for two more or ears of corn, small griddle for roasted vegetables, etc.


    The side-to-side width is roughly 3 1/2" more (16.5") than front-to-back. Dennis would have the exact dimensions. Mine is the older "Low Top" style.

    Hope this helps.




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  5. Here are a couple: one of pork chops on the 16 KK grill; the other of the finished chops on a 1/4 jelly roll sheet for sizing comparison. I may have another photo with some strip steaks but I'll have to find them (I'm traveling today).


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  6. I bent the handles of one of my 23 grates to more easily let the baking stone fit. It didn't take too much.

    On the other hand, I had to bend one of my charcoal baskets slightly so I could use it with the splitter either left to right or front to back (the basket wasn't exactly round). That took much longer, a mini sledge hammer, 100 lb. anvil, and slightly mashed thumb. Works great now!

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