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Everything posted by Troble

  1. @alimac23 that’s a great day of cooking. Nicely done @tekobo I would love to try those dishes out. I can smell the scents in my mind from those pics.
  2. Strong words there @tony b I’m gonna have try it now!
  3. That’s impressive @johnnymnemonic well done
  4. I enjoyed the meal. The sides were really great. Pork was nice but I’m not a Carolina sauce type guy so I preferred the Kathy’s sweet sauce for my liking. Also the fact that they had a drive through was pretty bad ass
  5. My work travels took me to Charleston, SC this week and I made a stop at Rodney Scott BBQ i got the whole hog plate with baked beans, Mac n cheese & cornbread. I tried all 3 sauces as well. Pork was very moist and well seasoned and I even got to go in the back for a pit tour
  6. One of the first dishes I ever learned to cook and still one of my favorites…Chicken Marsala
  7. Maracuya pisco sour. Passion fruit pisco sour. It’s the only pisco sour I drink down there. They have big yellow passion fruits down there that are sweet and that is an absolute stunner of a drink
  8. Thank you everyone it was definitely a great trip most of all because after cancelling our trip in 2020 and 2022 because of COVID lockdowns we finally got to take my kids there to meet their 95 year old great grandma and a handful of aunts and uncles that they’ve never met this place was also the best ceviche of my life and the mussels/shellfish dish was out of this world. I’ll be attempting those in the summer
  9. Funny you should say that. Last night at Mayta I had to ask about that a few times and by the 2nd to last course/dessert I tried to eat the corn chips before asking and the waiter started laughing at me telling me “you can’t eat that” keep in mind I was 10 wine pairings in by that point
  10. And to throw in a little culture this was some cool street art in Barranco
  11. Just finishing up a week in Lima visiting family. Was fortunate enough to eat at two of the best restaurants here, Maido & Mayta. Central was closed this week unfortunately https://www.theworlds50best.com/latinamerica/en/list/1-50 here are the pics from Maido
  12. Wow I have not been in this thread in ages….boy I’ve been missing out @David Chang those are some impressive cooks. Well done sir
  13. @Tyrus I tried sending you a message but it says you can’t receive messages?
  14. Pork tenderloin with roasted carrots and crispy Parmesan potatoes
  15. @Basher a dry aging meat fridge would be nice but I need my Santa Maria grill before that. I’m still paying off my backyard so I’m a ways out on either of those purchases but one day…..
  16. Peruvian Pollo a la Brasa with roasted potatoes and Peruvian “crack” saice
  17. @tony b I’m headed to Peru March 24th after having to cancel our trip in 2020 & 2022. I’m going to come back with recipes specifically on that sauce. Last time I was there was 2014 and my cooking skills have improved a ton since then. Just you wait I’ll have a bunch of new stuff to try for sure
  18. Great looking cooks @Tyrus @David Chang @tony b echoing what @Poochiesaid I’ve been doing most of my shopping lately at Costco business. $3.99/lb prime Briskets, $16-$18 for 4 pork tenderloins, last pork butts I got was a 2 pack for $1.99/lb. I’ve also been eyeing the beef tenderloin they have there but I haven’t pulled the trigger because ones usually too big for my family but I was co side ring buying one and cutting it in 1/2 and vaccum sealing the other one I don’t have a meat freezer yet but I’m seriously considering getting one so I can stock more meats, I also own a vaccum sealer but have never used it and I need to get on that. I know. I learned a long time ago if I just ride @tony bcoattails I’ll be a successful cook
  19. I’m sure you all are tired of my same old boring pork tenderloin cooks but given the price of meat lately I’ve been going to Costco Business a lot more and they sell these two packs (4 loins) for $16 so I grab one everytime I’m there tonight I did a pork tenderloin that was marinated overnight in a dry rub of salt, garlic powder & black pepper. Cooked indirect and reverse seared in my cast iron with some Irish butter. Air fryer potatoes tossed in truffle salt, olive oil (didn’t have any duck fat), garlic powder and rosemary and topped with Parmesan cheese after frying also tossed some green beans in panko crumbs, Parmesan, and salt put in oven at 400 for 15 minutes made a red wine reduction sauce to top the pork tenderloin.
  20. Rotisserie leg of lamb Mediterranean salad roasted olive oil & garlic pearled cous cous homemade tadziki with lemons from the tree
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