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CaptMorg82 last won the day on April 14 2024

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About CaptMorg82

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  1. Man, my Costco in Lynnwood, WA had some “Choice” steaks but I think someone messed up. These were really well marbled and tasted awesome. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Early anniversary dinner, screw going out. 8 times out of ten I’m thinking I could have made something better at home. Only thing is the cleanup, I’m exhausted! Those oysters were monstrous and delicious. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Welcome neighbor! I’m up in Mukilteo with a 32” Autumn Gold Pebble. Reach out if ever interested in a charcoal share order. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Packers victory brisket! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Interesting...yeah stone crab is my favorite!
  6. Is that a stone crab claw? Looks similar.
  7. Nice! I was trying to think of what to do with the brisket I smoked and put in the freezer. I made some chili with it from this recipe yesterday for the Packers/Chiefs game. Made a great halftime dinner. I really like the recipe and will definitely make it again next time I have leftover smoked meat. I had a slice of the brisket when it came of the grill to try it. And I had some more after I thawed and warmed it up. For just a Costco USDA Choice brisket, it really tasted good. I've definitely improved my brisket game on the KK. So I used up the flat for the chili, now I need to use up the point! https://www.chilesandsmoke.com/smoked-brisket-chili/
  8. They turned out great. There was plenty of marbling for me. They were still super rich. Maybe it just didn't show up in my pictures but in the second one you can see the marbling pretty well on the sides. Went well with some leftover Thanksgiving mashed potatoes!
  9. Duuuuuuude [emoji1786] It’s taken forever to find some plate ribs around here. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Yeah it’s just less charcoal, quicker to get going. Sometimes I find it it nice not to have all that thermal inertia too. Works great for indirect cooking the way the vents are set up. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I love my KK but my PK is still a great grill for hot and fast stuff! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. My Local QFC grocery (Kroger) carries Snake River Farms meats. It's awesome when they toss them into the bargain bin! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. For awhile now I've been just burying the wood chunks unwrapped at spaced intervals in the bottom of the basket. Then putting the lump over the top and in between. I think the smoke I've gotten from that has been pretty clean. Often, I can't really even see much of the smoke. I had wanted to see if the foil approach improved much so I tried wrapping the chunks in a foil pouch for my recent beef short rib smoke, with two holes poked in the foil aimed down at the fire. I thought this method worked well also, but having been the first time doing it (and in a bit of a rush), I put my meat on before the initial onset of white smoke. It was brief though and cleared up to a nice smelling blue smoke. I'll need to try it more to see if it's worth it but for the first time doing it, I didn't notice much difference. Either method seems to work pretty good to me. I can tell you what though, my first time smoking a pork butt on my PK360 before I got my KK I did not know what I was doing. I white smoked the hell out of that pork butt for hours and it was nasty. I probably shortened my life by 10 years by eating that stuff. Each time I ate it, it went right through me 😬
  14. Smoked with oak and apple wood, then braised to finish. Could have used some more time braising to fully render all fat. A little spongy still but great flavor nonetheless. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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