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Everything posted by ifly61ce

  1. Re: Waiting on my Cobalt Blue It's all you fault Dave! that pulled pork you gave me was the determining factor in my purchase. Dennis should put you on commission. I was very lucky to be so close to your store and be able to see one in person. I want to thank you again for the personal demo of the KK.
  2. Re: First Guru Cook (Pork Loin) Here is a picture of the meat pump.
  3. I cooked the pork loin to 155, I should have taken Doc's advise and removed it at 140. The wife always says I always under cook the meat so I let it go longer than I should have. It was not bad but a bit over done for my taste although the wife loved it. I used Chris Lilly's rub and liquid injection recipe. The holes in the meat are from my meat pump and the injection mixture. I plan on doing a chicken tomorrow and a pork butt on Sunday to take to work to impress the troops.
  4. Re: Waiting on my Cobalt Blue I might add I have a beautiful cover to go with it!! Thanks to Johnnyboy!! Great cover and the color matches perfect.
  5. ifly61ce

    Rib Roast

    Re: Rib Roast I read an article in Cooks Illustrated and their tests showed letting the meat come to room temp made no difference. They did say the low temp cook did produce the best results, although I think they seared it first. I did one in the oven not on the grill last year and it was awesome using that method. I did however dry age it for 10 days. Mark
  6. Re: Waiting on my Cobalt Blue The waiting is over, She arrived today in perfect condition. Not surprised by the quality because I had the good fortune to see one at Ziers prime meats. But when it is sitting on my deck it took a while before the smile on my face went away. What a beast, cant wait to fire her up.
  7. Re: HAPPY DAY TO ME !! Congrats! I just got word mine will be delivered tomorrow, yes!! I am out of town on a trip but the good news is, I have an airplane and will be flying it back home bright and early in the morning.
  8. ifly61ce

    Moving a KK

    Re: Moving a KK From the users manual! Open the lid to release the spring tension, remove the 19mm from the bottom of the spring completly releasing any spring tension. Gently close the lid and remove the hinge assembly. use needle nose pliersto remove the retaining clips then use a hammer and a screwdriver to remove the hinge pin. Dennis recommends two people remove the lid as it is very heavy, over 100 lbs. Hope this helps, Mark
  9. ifly61ce

    Suckling Pig

    Re: Suckling Pig I have been reloctated by my company three times in the last 20 years and I have had Viking, Thermador, and Wolf. The Wolf is the one I prefer, never had trouble with the Viking but I did have trouble with the Thermador. Sub Zeros in all three houses and love them. I am also not wealthy but the kitchen in my past homes has paid me back when I sold, well worth the investment.
  10. Re: Komodo availability - Good & Bad News The real good news is mine is on the way!!!!
  11. ifly61ce

    Suckling Pig

    Re: Suckling Pig Nice Pig! I noticed that you have the same Wolf Stove that I have in my kitchen. My wife insisted on the red knobs (I wanted the black) she was right the red are my favorite.
  12. Re: Corned Beef Hash Looks great, never had carrots in corned beef hash but I would think the sweet taste would enhance the taste. Now I have to wait on my KK and cook up a corned beef and try this recipe out. Thanks Mark
  13. Re: Guru /Thermapen question I also have the 6 second super-fast pocket thermometer by thermapen model RT301WA that I have had for a while, but after using the Folding Thermocouple Thermapen I never use the cheaper model anymore. The 3 second differance is very noticable.
  14. When grilling a steak high heat then shutting down the air like FM does when Grilling meat is the Guru probe fast enough to get good accurate temps? or do most of you all just time it? I know the Thermapen is super fast but was looking for advise being I don't want to open the lid to check all the time with the Thermapen. Thanks, Mark
  15. Re: Everyday Misc Cooking Photos w/ details Do I see a "Please remove before use" plastic cover on the LCD lens? I agree with Dave, really like the Thermapen in the picture makes my mouth water all that much more knowing the temp.
  16. Re: Replacement probes for the BBQ Guru competitor Just to follow up, BBQ Guru sent out a replacement prob the next day and it works great.
  17. Re: Replacement probes for the BBQ Guru competitor Well, I called today and after talking to Bob they are sending a new Probe right out. I did get a response from the E-mail as well, it just took about 36 hrs. Next time I will just give them a call if I need anything.
  18. Re: Replacement probes for the BBQ Guru competitor Thanks, Dave I called today but they were closed, I'll try tomorrow.
  19. Re: Replacement probes for the BBQ Guru competitor A few years later (From your post Dave) but the pit probe for my DigiQ DX is faulty right out of the box. I decided to hook her up and see how the Guru works. The meat probe works fine and was within a degree of my Thermapen but the pit probe, when put in an ice bath would climb to 126 or so. Then when I put it in boling water it would go down in temp until i got 3 dashes. I E-mailed BBQ Guru last night but after 24 hrs I have not gotten a response.
  20. Re: Waiting on my Cobalt Blue for some reason the embed code did not work. Here is the regular link:
  21. Re: Waiting on my Cobalt Blue I like it! the wife however said "NO THANKS" wonder if it was the big feet part?
  22. I finally ordered a KK after drooling on this site for a few months. I'll be getting the Cobalt Blue that is currently on the water. I got the 8" Rotiserie; removable right side table; decided to get the Gas burner to make it easy for my wife to light when I'm out of town; Leather Grill Gloves; 50# rotisserie motor; DigiQ DX BBQ Guru; Johnny boy cover; and a Thermapen. Did I miss any other accesories that I'll need? My wife wants to name the KK Leroy! I'm not real fond of that name, any suggestions that may sway her? She's a Cajun from south Louisiana and is real hard headed.
  23. Re: Argh.. Haas Avocados @ $10.42 a pound... I just saw the Avocados at My local store (Wise Way) selling for 4/$5.00 so you could have had 20 for what you paid for 3. On the other hand we have had sub zero temps and gobs of snow that you did not have to deal with. Had to throw that in to make you feel better. Mark
  24. Re: Air Combat USA I am a pilot with a little over 11000 hrs but have never done real aircombat. I did spend 14 years flying pipeline patrol at 200 feet yanking and banking a Cessna 182 and the last 7 years flying a Corporate Jet aircraft. I also spent many hours flying online aircombat games. Sounds like a hoot, maybe one day I will have to give that a try!
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