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Everything posted by Firemonkey

  1. Heh...Your enthusiasm may wane, but you will have them hooked. So even though you may not be as enthusiastic about cooking all their slabs of meat anymore, they will still bring them over for you to do.
  2. It was posted to the calzones thread that was started a few days prior to this one. Calzones on a pizza stone prototype
  3. How did you arrange the ribs?? I didnt think there would be enough room to stand them on edge on the lower rack, and they must have been curled in (or up?) on the ends? Did you get any charring on the ends outside the deflector, being that low to the fire?
  4. I have always been befuddled by people who slather BBQ sauce all over anything that comes off the grill...burgers, steaks, probably chops, too. I saw it all the time in Missouri, couldnt decide if it was a midwest thing or just a country boy thing? No way I put any sauce - unless its a pan-sauce - on a grilled steak!
  5. The power draft devices are available from 2 different sources, and work in much the same way. They are easy to install, you plug them into the tube which will be on the lower right side of your grill. As to their necessity, they are more of a convenience for people. I have never used one, and my grill will maintain whatever temperature I set it for until it runs out of fuel. It doesnt take much practice to become familiar with how much airflow your grill requires for a given temperature. After the first few cooks you will be able to dial it in pretty close on the first shot. Shipping is curbside, though some drivers have been known to help out and wheel it to a patio (tipping helps motivate them) but the uncrating process is saved for you. Dennis includes everything you need, the crate even has a small crobar attached so you can get the crate off. You dont need slate, any stable, level surface will do. Mine sit on my concrete patio side by side. If you were using a wood deck, you may need to make sure that the decking would support 550 pounds in one spot, and that there was a joist under it. Otherwise, brick pavers, concrete patio stones, old fashined conccrete are all just fine. How many ribs?? I dont know, lets just say "several". I have had 6 racks of baby backs, along with 2 shoulder roasts on at the same time. I dont have the rib rack, I just use a roasting rack turned upside down - works perfectly for 6 slabs...if you need more slots than that, the ribrack may be worthwhile. Either size will sear up some steaks. The difference is in how much stuff you can cook at once on the two sizes.
  6. I voted for no preference, but really, i DO have a preference. I like vinegar on pulled meat, and I like the sweet sticky sauces or ribs, chicken and the like. Of course those prefernces change with the seasons. Lately, I have been mixing Blues Hog Tennessee Red (spicy vinegar) with the sweet Blues hog for my pulled pork. The best of both
  7. Re: Insurance Yep, they all play the same game. They pretend to compete on service and price, but when people are required to purchase their product by the state (autos) or their leinholder (property) you cant expect too much.
  8. Hmmm....maybe Dennis should start a trade-up program Full retail credit may be asking a little much, but maybe 25%, and some internal happiness from helping others? Donate it to charity and write off the full value - saving you whatever percentage your bracket is charged. Maybe our new spendy govt should expand their scrappage bill to include cookers?? MAYBE then I could support it...or probably not
  9. Maybe its to make your pool more of an extension of your house? Personally, it would need to be air conditioned for me to call it that Sometimes I think the screened enclosures are just something to keep insurance companies' attorneys busy...they are always trying to find creative ways to exclude them from hurricane damage claims. I noticed in my H/O ins. renewal papers that they added some language last year to say thay they did not cover enclosures in the event of a hurricane. They further defined a screen enclosure as "any structure on your property, whether attached to your home or not, that is comprosed of screens on more than one side, and otherwise open to the weather. " Apparently that didnt screw enough people, so they further ammended it to read "Screened enclosures are structures which are not constructed or covered by the same or substantially the same materials as that of the primary dwelling." There, that should exclude just about anything they want it to.
  10. You are not going to make everyone happy every time. You liked it, right? I'm guessing there were several people there, and only one person commented, so I would shrug it off and just rememeber that person doesnt like grilled flavor for next time. Royal Oak is fairly mild, and KKEC in my opinion would have required a chunk or two of wood to flavor it. One thing to note, you can reduce the smoke from any charcoal by letting it fully light before dampening the airflow rather than starting a smoldering fire. But really, i doubt it was too smokey with RO alone.
  11. With charcoal, its usually a matter of what is readily available in your area. I dont have too many choices on my local retail shelves, so I have been using royal oak, which is always available at Walmart for $5/bag. You will find that it will come up to temp much faster, you will have your potatoes roasting within 15 minutes of lighting it
  12. Absolutely. An unscreened pool is almost unheard of, not as much for leaves and debris, but because with all the fresh water lakes, humidity and daily summer rain, you wouldn't be able to use it after the sun went down for fear of the mosquitos!
  13. Re: Hi Everyone! I can relate to that! viewtopic.php?t=2835&start=20 Neither will mine, nor will I. The flavor you get is just SOOOO much better than anything you will find in a restaruant, and at a fraction of the cost.
  14. KK grilled baked potatoes are my favorite. You can find plenty of pictures of the finished product in my posts, but I usually go a little hotter, like somewhere near 425, and I do them direct. I have found that using direct heat on the upper rack works well, or even the lower rack if thats what I will e using to cook my main dish. With the higher temps you will need to flip the potato a few times during the cook to keep it evenly cooking. BTW, I dont pierce mine with a fork, just oil them and sprinkle with kosker salt. They are done when they are soft enough for me to squeeze. My last weeklong visitors actually declared their baked potatoes as the best they have ever had. As for other vegetables to cook, grilled eggplant ranks rightup there as another favorite. Just peel and slice into 3/4 to 1" slices. Lightly spray them with oil, salt and pepper and grill them direct until golden brown on each side. There are proabably some pics of them too if you search. Squash is also great on the grill, as are roasted tomatoes, peppers and onions. You will have plenty of options to keep that KK in use! I would encourage you to get a bag of regular lump to try as well, especially for the higher temp grilling. I tend to reserve the KKEC for longer cooks. Lump comes up to temp so much faster.
  15. That was a new cooker, it was only the second cook, and the first using that particular grate. You know the inside of the other grill is black - grates included!
  16. I am in FL, where it rains daily, and have seen no rust whatsoever in a few years of ownership. Just curoius, is this grill in cape coral? Maybe caused by salt water? As for cleaning it off, any metal polish will do well. You could use a wheel polish from the automotive aisle, or even just barkeepers friend to clean it off. I had some decent scratches on mine, from where I was fine tuning the fit, and they all polished out to a bright shine using automotive "billet" or wheel polish. BTW, the spring itself is NOT stainless, just galvanized, so maybe spray it with some paint to keep it in shape.
  17. I have never had an issue with a regular peel. Just lightly four it before you put your pizza dough on it, and remember not to press or roll it down onto the peel when working your dough. If you want to use a roller, do it on the counter, then lay the crust on the floured peel. Give a little puff of air under it and it will slide right off like a little hovercraft. I almost lost one last weekend not paying attention after i blew the air under it. I tilted the peel slightly while reaching for the pan to remove a cooked pizza, and it almost floated off onto the patio
  18. Ribs and butts I had some company last weekend, so we made a few racks of baby backs and some butts. The butts went on at about 9am, while the ribs went on about noon. 250 degrees rock steady using KK extruded with manual draft. Everything was done at the same time, about 6:30pm.
  19. With summer here, my kids are always asking for a pizza night, so how can I say no? I made three pizza tonight, and after 4-5 times using the KK pizza stone, I have to admit that I am quite impressed with it. It absorbs and transfers just the right amount of heat to give you a golden brown crust without over-browning while the top cooks. With the store bought stones, I would need to put a heat deflector and spacer below the stone or my crust would cook too quickly. With the KK stone, I just put the stone directly on the upper grill, above an open fire, and let the whole grill come up to about 500-525 degrees. This yields a perfect hand tossed pizza in just the amount of time it takes me to make a new one - about 10 minutes. The stone holds enough heat that I can remove one pie and immediately replace it with a new one, and keep churning them out for as long as i need to. Here are some pictures of the process: Lightly flour your peel: Lightly flour your dough: Shape into Pizza: Top with your favorite treats: Put it on the grill! Here is the previous one ready to come off: Some more pics to make you hungry:
  20. Nothing here this year, we are going to be in Miami Beach this year. ButI did make a few racks of baby backs, 2 butts, and a couple pizzas yesterday for some out of town friends that visited.
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