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Everything posted by tlinder

  1. I have to wait another few weeks till I'm back from the States to try it out.
  2. Re: Should I upgrade my BBQ Guru? Hi Joe I just sold my BBQ Guru Competitor on ebay, so I could get the DigiQ II. I got $ 132 for the only 10 month old adapter together with the shorter adapter for the KK. For the new one I'm going to pay $ 260.- with shippment. So it's quiet a premium you have to pay but I guess it's worth it for geeks like me.
  3. As far as I know it fits with the KK if you order one of the following two products: http://secure.thebbqguru.com/ProductCar ... roduct=207 or http://secure.thebbqguru.com/ProductCar ... roduct=253 I have the first one with my KK. It's a bit long, but you can shorten it to your liking. I can also order them for the buyer and send it with the BBQ Guru, because I will order a new BBQ Guru from them anyway.
  4. Because I'm such a features-geek I have to have the new BBQ Guru. In case someone is interested to buy a second hand BBQ Competitor please check out my auction: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... 0207256187 I will be in the States in March so shipment will be only $ 10.-. If you tell me what adapter you need I can also get it for you to cost price.
  5. The giblets are wrapped in plastic-bags here. We got the goose from an organic farmer close from our place. We stuffed it with chestnuts, onions, apples and some tarragon and had it then in the oven first 60 minutes on the belly in saltwater while perforating the skin everywhere to get rid of the huge amounts of fat and then roast it on the back for another 90 minutes till it reaches 185 degrees Fahrenheit. It was superdelicious! We call it "Weihnachtsgans". It's a very traditional Christmas Dish. The tradition goes back to the English Queen Elisabeth I in 1588. The whole goose thing was actually a late revenge for the goose that hunted me once when I was a little boy
  6. This were actually for the Christmas celebrations of my neigbour. She had 16 people invited. At the same time we had a goose in the oven for our Christmas.
  7. Ingredients 8 chickens (1.1 to 1.3kg each) your favorite chicken rub 2 gallons of cold water 1.5 cup kosher salt 1 cup sugar garlic powder cumin powder black pepper Preparation Instructions: -Take a cooling-box and mix in it together the water with salt, sugar and add as much garlic, cumin and black pepper as you like -Put the chickens into the brine and let the chickens soak in the brine for 8 hours (at a cool place or add some ice to the brine) -Start the grill for indirect with 350 degrees Fahrenheit with main and upper grill -Take the chickens out of the brine, wash them with cold water for 20 seconds each and dry them with household paper -Rub 2-3 teaspoons of rub onto the skin of each chicken -Place for chickens on the main grill and 4 on the upper grill -After 15 minutes turn all the chickens -After another 15 minutes move the chickens from the main grill onto the upper grill and vice versa. -After another 15 minutes turn all the chickens again -Check temperature and take them at 175 degrees Fahrenheit Enjoy!
  8. I just added my kk to the gallery. First in Switzerland!
  9. tlinder


    Re: Tandoori I posted something about tandoori a while ago: http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=5885#5885
  10. Re: What a friendly group.... Your wife has a special taste. Most womenfolk that have seen my KK in action were completly in love with it. Did you tell her, that she can choose the tiles Anyway, if you should somewhen be close to Aarau you are always welcome (even if you don't buy a KK). With best regards Tobias
  11. Re: Hi from Switzerland Hi Dave Would be great to see another KK in Switzerland. I guess till now my KK is the only one here. Where do you live? If you want to take a look at my grill in action you are welcome anytime at my place. Just contact me over my website: http://www.linder.li/contactform/index.php I was also thinking about buying the BGE first, but the KK is just so way more better looking and more functional. The shipping to Switzerland took 1 month. It is really worth the waiting and price. Tobias
  12. Visit me to see a beauty of a KK Classic Supreme in action!
  13. Re: New Guru Damn! I just bought one a few weeks ago Tobias
  14. Re: Guru inducer tube Thank you, this instructions I have seen. But there is nothing called "inducer tube" in the online shop. Do you think the "inducer tube" is the "standard offset mount" or the "bulkhead style inducer" or something, that is not on the list?
  15. Help! Could please someone tell me, which one of all this different adapters (see picture) I need to connect it to the KK. The guy who sold me the bbq guru wants to charge me $ 15.- extra for the bulkhead style inducer but I'm not sure, if this is the right thing. Thank you for your answers!
  16. Thank you for all your replies. I just ordered one and it should be with me in a few days. I'm really looking forward to it because my KK is on the balcony of the other floor behind several doors, so it's quiet a hassle to check the temp. Also the last night I had a 20 pounds beef piece on the grill for the whole night I almost could not sleep because I was so worried about temp changes.
  17. I ask myself exactly the same questions. If the ramp-thing really works well with the KK, this is the killer feature for buying the guru instead of the Stoker.
  18. I was thinking of ordering a BBQ guru for my K. I'm especially interested in the Ramp-feature. Now I have a question to all BBQ guru owners: Is the Ramp-feature working properly with the KK? I'm worried that the KK is so well insulated, so the temp can't drop fast enough and the meat overcooks. Thank you for your answers! Tobias
  19. Thank you for all the tipps. I was now already several times very successful with this system that is loosely based on a very detailed manual on www.biggreenegg.com: 1. Leave the Steaks outside of the fridge for about 2 hours to get it to room temperature 2. Heat the KK up to 700 degrees 3. Rub the steak with kosher sea salt and coarse ground pepper, and olive oil 4. Wait another 5 minutes 5. Open the KK and throw the steaks onto the grill and leave it open 6. Turn the steaks after 90 seconds 7. Take the steaks of the grill after another 90 seconds 8. Close the KK and close the damper door and damper top to get the temp. down to 350 degrees. 9. Let the steaks rest on a plate for 20 minutes 10. Put the steaks into the KK and put a thermometer into the biggest piece of meat. Close the KK 11. Wait till the meat reaches about 120 (for rare) or 140 (for medium) degrees. Enjoy!
  20. You are right, there was never a doubt. I sure will teach him about the important stuff concerning meat and disgusting vegetable stuff.
  21. tlinder

    Beef Jerky

    I just finished the first batch of jerky meat for my little one. I had to leave out soy sauce because there is a high risk of allergies for under one year old children. To lower the risk of meat poisoning I did a hot marinade (water, cider, brow sugar, cloves powder, pepper and garlic powder). The meat I used was very lean angus beef from an organic farm not far from where we live. The result tastes really delicious and the little one loves to nibble on it Tobias
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