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Posts posted by Sanny

  1. Our conventionally cooked bird was AMAZING!! I think because I lied to my mother. (note to children: do not lie to your mother. I am a professional, acting in a controlled environment. do not try this at home)

    She wigged because there wasn't a pop up thingy in the bird. I said it would be ok, because I have an instant read thermapen. I told her it was finished when the t'pen read 160, and told her to take it out of the oven. Ok, so that's low if you are FDA, or if you are a pop up thingy, becuase 180 is recommended. But the bird rested for 45 mins or so, and was PERFECT. Tender as all get out. No one died of undercooked turk, but instead applauded the melt in the mouth production.

  2. Deeeeep breaths.... We feel your pain. Sad. :smt090 Wish there were something we could do. Maybe look at BBQ cookbooks, or reputable ceramic grilling sites on line to plan your next 1000 cooks. Or a beer and Monday night football. :smt102

  3. Sanny....you cracked me up with an image of a rehab full of attorneys. I can just see the counselors never getting a word in as all the attorneys argued over the semantics' date=' the participants scheming the entire time how to generate billable hours for their efforts.[/quote']No no, Samantha, nothing like that at all! First we practice wearing civilian clothes (slowly working up to colors that aren't black, grey, and navy). And we learn polite table conversation that doesn't include any latin phrases, and no handing out business cards. You're right, though, that some find it difficult not to fill out time sheets in tenth of hour increments. Those people get lots of times out, sitting with their faces to the corner. :smt100
  4. Re: Caveat: I do not have this brand of ceramic cooker.

    Caveat: I do not have this brand of ceramic cooker.

    Your legal training is leaking thru...


    Oh my! :shock: I guess I have to go back to rehab. I thought I had pretty much recovered. :wink:
  5. Do you mean an enclosed patio type place, or just an overhanging roof? I don't know if I'd recommend it in a screen porch, where there is some decreased airflow - just as I wouldn't recommend putting any bbq there. If it's just an overhang, or sheltered area, do it. :) The only thing I would recommend is not putting it next to an open window. I find that the scent of cooking does waft in if my kitchen window is open. To minimize the smoke, put a drip pan under anything particularly drippy (pork butt, whole chicken, whole turkey). That will also keep the bitter "burning smoke" flavor from getting into your cooking. Happy clean wood smoke = good. Grease on the coals smoke = bad.

    Caveat: I do not have this brand of ceramic cooker.

  6. Rats. My chicken roasting thingy didn't arrive (backordered), so I'm gonna use either a cast iron dutch oven, or something else i've not figured out yet. But that's not until tomorrow.

    Today has the big bird in the oven, salad washed and made, greens washed, muffins ready to mix the wet with the dry and bake. Pies finished. I think that's it. Whew! I'm exhausted!

    How's the ceramic cooking coming? Everyone have stuff in order? Hope so.

    Blessings to all.

  7. We have 2 TG suppers. One is on Thursday, for 7 people, and one on Friday for 4 people. Mother is in charge of bird and rice stuffing, and she got a 15 lb bird. I'm concerned that's gonna be too small for 11 servings. Ok, so I'm baking pies, and fixing vegetables and salad (no potatoes at our dinner), but is 15 lbs pre-cooked enough?? For Friday, just in case, I'm thinking of getting a small chicken and doing the herb/butter rub from TNW site, and doing that on the ceramic cooker, standing on a rocket rack (aka beer can substitute).

    Good excuse to do a whole chicken on the cooker, anyway. ;)

  8. Hey Sanny! Kissing emoticons; sweet!!! You love to make me blush.

    Nice sandbox over here. Bigger and better eehh!

    Smooch, Johnnyboy!

    I'm not gonna say if it's a bigger or better sandbox. It's a different sandbox, but so far a happy one. And they like Veterans, besides. So, that's good. :smt038

    I love the new Jammies!! Most excellent. I think the red one needs a big flowered hat on top, so it would look like a fine lady goin' to church. :)

  9. Yeah' date=' it's kinda tuff when you practically get banned for being patriotic on Veterans day. [/quote']

    I saw that post. Couldn't believe the rash and trash it received either.

    I thought it was appropriate and at the appropriate time. I definitely appreciated it.

    No wonder I like Johnnyboy. :) I'm glad he came to play in this sandbox, too. :smt058
  10. That shrimp looks good...but you seems to have forgat the meat on the pizza :shock:

    Didn't ya know? We're vegetable-arians :smt082

    :smt068:smt070:smt071 Egad! Shootem' quick before they multiply or infect others!!! Though the shrimp looks good.


    Deej, don't panic. They're SHRIMP, not zucchini. And he said last week he did steak on the sear grill. Methinks he's yankin yer bologna. :roll:
  11. Probably going to roast it normally this year...and start looking forward to rotisseried turkey on my KK next year!
    Me too, FM (except for the rotiss and the KK part). I have "I can do that" fantasies about cooking turkey on the K5, but TG is probably not the right time to do it for the first time. Dad has volunteered to subject his church group to my efforts, so I'll do one another time, and feed it to them. I cannot justify a turkey for 1 person.
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