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Posts posted by Sanny

  1. There were TWO orgies, I'll have you know! The orgy I was involved in was a private one! No one else there but me and ribs. :) I surely didn't participate in one with the mail room guys! :shock: Wouldn't have been ladylike. No no no. And I ALWAYS have my pinkies extended when I have a rib orgy, I'll have you know. hrumph!! Manners! :D

  2. Actually my oldest just turned 20. So only 2 teenage daughters currently. But I still have a 10 year old son and a 2 year old daughter to insure that the few remaining hair follicles do not have a chance :(
    Sheesh! You're another couple that shoulda ordered cable TV. You do know there are OTHER less dangerous forms of entertainment, don't you? :shock: Like playing in traffic??

    Teasing, of course. Good for you on the happy family! But it does explain the ceramic cooker. No room in the house for all the kids AND a kitchen!

    Oh no... I just had a frightening thought. The kids didn't arrive as a result of the cooker, did they? :shock: I didn't think you could get them that way. I may have to sell my new cooker! OH NO!!! :cry:

  3. I can give you the recipe for everything except the morel beef terrine. Just tell me what you want.
    That seems fine. These guys are all "im-morel" anyway. They'd never be able to make that recipe. ;)

    Some of each, please. :) Then we can just sniff at the monitor and imagine the amazing scent. :::dream:::

  4. Hmmm... that rib orgy couldn't have anything to do with it' date=' could it?[/quote']Ahem... I did NOT partake in the rib orgy! I just incited it. ;)

    Ahem! Cough, Cough!

    The ribs are tasty. Not as strong a flavor of marinade in them as I'd have liked, but I spose I could have slathered them during the cook.

    Ok, so I snagged a barky piece at the end. :::swoon:::

    I've been misquoted! I did snag some bark from the ribs as they came off the grill, but the next day I took the ribs to the office and let the guys work themselves into their own frenzy. Two completely separate events. The prosecution may call its next witness... :P
  5. Re: Any Luck

    ...If you could unscrew the valve and take a pic along with info - even better. Male or female - pipe thread - size (I imagine 1/4 or 3/8 )...
    Sheesh, it always comes down to sex and measurements, and pictures of sex and measurements, huh? No matter how we try to have a sophisticated forum, we degenerate to this. :roll:


  6. Rib orgy

    Well, the votes are in. I cut the slabs into individual ribs, and took them in a cooler and tupper to the mail room guys at work. They were ecstatic! I rec'd several hugs, and one guy might have needed a change of undies after the whole thing. :) I'd call that a success.

  7. I marinated some salmon before smoking it this weekend. Hardest part of smoking the fish is rolling it in the little papers... no no no.

    The marinade was a mix of kosher salt, sugar, spices. Recipe said to rinse thoroughly. It was still quite salty. I think more of a brine than a true marinade. Rinsing was the right thing. Don't want to leave brine on.

    The ribs I did had relatively little salt in the marinade, and no rinsing at all. Asian style, hoisin and some soy, sherry, ginger, garlic. Nothing there to burn, and no real heavy salt to spoil the taste. They were delicious, but a baste of a sauce at the end of the cook would have been good. More to get that rib stickyness that's so delicious.

  8. Nothin fancy about it. Peel cuke, cut in half longways. Run a spoon down the middle to trench out the seeds. Chop into little smiles. Toss with dill and sour cream. Don't drown in sour cream - just to coat. Chop some fresh dill and throw that in, too. Little squirt of lime juice isn't bad, either. If you like onions, chop some fresh in there, too. Salt if you like. I don't salt much, and I don't onion. Chill for a bit. Tastes great next to the salmon. Cold and "plain" flavor next to the strong flavor of the smoked salmon.


    I'm having a private babyback rib orgy.

    The second round came off the grill about half an hour ago. Cooker stayed at 250 for an ENTIRE day!! I'm so proud. Today, though, unlike last time, it took the top damper open considerably wider.

    I used white out to mark closed, eighth, quarter, half turns of the cap. One mark on center front of cooker, too. Marked on tile, so easy to thumbnail off if i want. I wanted just chalk, but couldn't find it quickly at the grocery. White out was on sale.

    Ribs... must eat more ribs... NOW!!! AAAaaaaah! ;)

    Ok ok, I stopped at three bones. Admirable restraint, I think.

  9. Progress!

    Snooky liked the salmon. It was too salty (salmon, not snooky), but I served it room temp with cold cuke/dill/sour cream salad, and jasmine rice. They weren't salty, and spread out the flavors well. :D

    Then I put the ribs on. Cooker hummed along all afternoon at 250. :) Whew! Just don't TOUCH anything! :lol:

    Ribs were scheduled for 5 or 6 hours, but I checked at 4 hours. YIKES!! Goin for a 160 internal temp, and they were already there! Off they came! So, I put the rest of the ribs on. Costco packs are 3 slabs per pack of babybacks, so I had 2 left. Cut them in half, and put 4 short slabs on. Hope they'll be finished by bedtime. Should have enough lump, because I filled the lump basket this morning. About half a mop bucket full (very precise measuring).

    Oh - new toy (other than the whole Q set up). Thermapen. I vote YES!!

    The ribs are tasty. Not as strong a flavor of marinade in them as I'd have liked, but I spose I could have slathered them during the cook. Didn't. Kept the lid closed the whole time!!

    Let them sit quietly for a bit, sliced in to individual ribs, and packed them in Tuppers for the work guys. :)

    Ok, so I snagged a barky piece at the end. :::swoon:::

  10. Sanny's Second Weekend

    Well, here we go! I got the fire started early this morning, and put the salmon on. Walked the dog up to Starbarks for her Sunday morning bagel. An hour or so later, we were back. Ugh. Temp hovering at 150. Ok, so better than 600. Open some more vents, poof on the coals, get things going. Now, the wait...


    This is the salmon recipe I posted in the "what's on the grill this weekend" thread. Marinate in brown sugar, ginger, salt, allspice. Rub dry, pat with honey and peppercorns and smoke over hickory for a couple hours at 200-250. Fingers crossed! :)

    ***(time passes)***

    Wow. I got the heat to the right place, and left it to smoke. The deception was that I thought it would turn pale pink, the way poached or other salmon does. Nope. Still bright orange! I flaked some off with a fork, and it was finished. Out it came! It's very deliciously smokey, and the flavor is great. Although I rinsed it well, it's still very salty. I'd cut down the salt in the recipe for next time, I think. But I'm planning to serve it with plain rice, so that'll offset the salt, I think. Maybe some dill cream, too. :D

    Ceramic cooking life is, indeed, good. :)

    The babybacks are on, now. Steve R-person's rib rack (Bed Bath and CashRegister, 19.99 if you take the ad from the website) and 4 slabs ALMOST fit on the cooker. :)


  11. Re: Cover it!

    I ive in Maryland where we get all 4 seasons. Even though you seal it I would get a cover made. I had one made by Koveroos http://www.koverroos.com but I think Sanny had one made by Steve and it is beautiful!


    Yup, mine is beautiful. Thanks, John, for the compliment. And it's all weather safe Sunbrella fabric, and doesn't look like the Klan is holding a rally on the back porch. But it's made by John at [email protected], not Steve. :)

    My concern with leaving a cooker uncovered in any but the driest climates is the damp and wet that would get in the grout. Even if the tiles are well applied (and we can assume they are), the freeze/thaw/wet will eventually take a toll on either the tiles or grout. It's the nature of weather, no? I'd use the cooker for a bit, seal the grout, then make sure to have a cover on it. Why spend so much on a cooker (even more on yours, what with all the added charges), and then let weather spoil it, when you could cover it? :(

    Shoot, until you found a more permanent solution, maybe a large lawn/leaf garbage bag over it would work. Those are often kinda big.

  12. Livvy had her "well doggy" checkup the other night. Vet recommended against the rawhide chewies I'd been giving her, and suggested 'bullies.' She is gnawing away on one now. I was rather surprised, though, to learn they are the 'intimate parts' of a bull! Livvy seems to be enjoying it, but I'm not sure the bull is getting anything out of it. Supposed to be good teeth brushers, though.

    Can you picture this? Mom walks in on me and Snooky and here's the exchange: Sanny!! What are you doing??? Um... brushing my teeth? :oops:

    Better lock the door...

  13. For my next trick...

    :) I've got 4 slabs of baby backs marinating in a hoisin/ginger/garlic/soy marinade. http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/recipes/meat-poultry/beef_asianribs.html Skipped the poaching, of course. Seems it would be a good marinade for chicken legs, too.

    And, Costco has some beautiful salmon just now. Either filet, or cleaned semi-whole fish. Just beautiful. I bought a filet and I'm going to try the modified Sunset salmon recipe posted on another ceramic cooking site.

    The marinade smells delicous! :)http://www.kamado.com/cgi-bin/discus/show.cgi?tpc=1&post=3805#POST3805

    The salmon is for me and Snooky, if he comes over (not feeling well today). Ribs are to cook and take to work on Monday. I work for a state agency. My office keeps the mail room guys hopping with hand deliveries, so I like to bring things that make happy mail room people. Sometimes jugs of sweet iced tea, sometimes chocolate, or chip cookies. Never know what, but they like them all.

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