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Posts posted by Sanny

  1. Careful if you decide on a pink one. Or one that looks pinkish if the light is low and you are squinting through a beer bottle. And beware of mustard, too. Not that either is a bad color. Just you'll suffer immeasurable personal abuse from some on this site if you pick one of those. :smt021

    My ceramic cooker is cobalt blue tile. Dennis posted photos that were just lovely!! That wedgewood blue textured is a drooler, too, IMHO.

    Accessories you 'need'? ALL of them!!! :D Stainless steel bands are good. Deflector, upper grill (doubles as sear grill), gas (to light the coals, although there are other ways to do it). Guru port (it's closed up, which allows you to choose whether you want to get a Guru later, or not). Dunno if Dennis has a meat hanger, but most would probably say don't bother with that one. I think it comes with the holes for an EZ Que rotiss, so you can get the rotiss. from EZ Que later. Those with it can tell better than I if there are "Dennis" parts to order for the rotiss.

    Make a shopping list, and add it all up. When you regain consciousness, start deciding if you can cut anywhere. For example, textured will cook just as well as tiled, and look wonderful, and you can use the money you save to get accessories. :)

    Most important, have FUN!! :smt031

  2. I found a generous tip helped my ceramic cooker get (via pallet jack) from the curb to the back yard. Then it was a matter of uncrating and rolling into place. When he came back a few days later for part of the delivery that didn't get here, I had ribs for him. :) No other tip needed to get that pallet delivered to the back of the driveway! :D

  3. Re: How Does It Taste?

    What variety of wood do you fabricate the pallet and crate out of and how does it taste when you use it to smoke your meat on the KK?

    If you tell me you've never tried I choose in advance not to believe you.

    Looking forward to early December!


    "I'll try almost anything once.

    Don't burn the plywood parts. Bad bad! No opinion on the hardwood parts. :)
  4. Ok did a variation on my recipe and it was really good. Instead of sugar I used honey. Yummy! 48 hours and I have a batch of Ginger Beer done. Now at work I tell the people I'm doing yeast viability tests and they are not complaining. :)
    With that alcohol in it, no wonder it tasted so good, and the work folks are complaining! You're givin em a "workday buzz"!


  5. Hey, I was only gonna say, can I just call and tell you I am coming over for supper??? hehe :smt007 Those are some fine looking pizzas!


    You say the sweetest things, Jasen. :smt060

    party at sannys! i want a meatball pie' date=' please! hold the sesame seeds![/quote']What time, PC? Hope not tonight. I don't have meatballs! And no crust dough made without sesame. Gimme some advanced notice, and you can man the grill. :smt029

    The dude needs to learn to come when you tell him to come (please, no jokes Gerard and DJ).

    whole wheat and sesame seeds...that sounds really good to me too

    Curly, I had invited him, and he didn't answer over several hours. I assumed he wasn't coming over! Just started without him, and then he said 'here I come!' just as I was taking it off the grill. Just no tellin, is there. :smt061
  6. Curly, it was really good! I fired the grill up over 600, over about an hour, and then shut it down. While it was cooling (a relative term), I put the pizza on to cook. 10 mins is all it took! I used Firemonkey's recommendation of spacers between two stones on the regular rack.

    I had just taken it off the grill and sliced it when friend called and said he was coming for supper. I'd put it on the grill because I hadn't heard from him, and assumed he wasn't going to come over. Sigh. He's 40 mins away. I finished the piece I'd started, then set the whole thing aside. About 10 mins before he arrived, I put it back on grill (now down to 350 or so) to warm.

    The piece I had earlier was great. After warming, it was still good, but the crust had passed it's perfect point. He said it was great, I thought the crust was dry. Oh well.

    I made more crust to try later in the week (whole wheat and sesame seeds). Mmmm.

  7. Follow up on the low temp pizza post. I checked the firebox this morning, and it was lumpless! Nuthin but ash. So, it's likely there was very little fuel in that fire last night by the time pizza got on there. Shut down took the last of it.

    Still, I'll run over to the home store this morning (locally owned, not big box), and look at some big nuts, as Firemonkey suggests. ;) Might even buy something to use as a spacer between the heat deflector and the pizza stone.

    I tried the stone on the top grill, but dome won't close over it. :::shrug:::

  8. Pizza! And bread.

    No, no photos. The pizza seems to have evaporated as soon as it came off the grill. Go figger! Whole wheat crust, caramelized onions, chicken, baby spinach, chopped portabella mushrooms, fresh basil from the garden, tomatoes, ricotta, and a blend of grated cheeses.

    Before that, I baked 3 loaves (in pans) of multi grain bread. Whole wheat, steel cut oats, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, toasted almonds, and dried cranberries. :) Very yummy!!

    I think 'double indirect' is too much indirect. Maybe just a single pizza stone on the regular or upper grill, instead of a stone on the lower, and a cooking stone on the regular one. I couldn't get the temp I wanted, and I couldn't get good browning on the tops of the loaves. And the pizza crust wasn't as browned as I would have preferred.

    Or maybe cooking at those temps used more lump than I thought it would, and it got low on fuel. I filled it -or thought I did. Lump was nearing the lower pizza stone. In the afternoon, I did the bread. Ok, but not a good browning on top. Around 350-400, I guess. I dialed the dampers down to keep the fire going, but not really hot, until pizza time. By evening, for the pizza, I had the lower door completely off, and the top damper wide open, and still couldn't get over 425. Hmmm. I made sure I fired it back up about an hour before the dough was going on the grill to make sure the ceramic was good and hot again.

    Anyway, all was delicious, and I guess that is what counts.

  9. I feel your pain. I did a chicken on the meat hanger, and my neighbor came over, thinking the house was on fire. Smoked up the neighborhood. Next time, a pan under it helped, and the skin was crispy good! I think that big a pan might keep all the hot from reaching your sizzly bird. Maybe switch to a pie pan size for a single bird? That's all I needed.

  10. Where's the feature that makes there be unread posts when I look on the forum? Lot of times I check and there's nothing new. What's that about?


    Um, you mean people posting so you have something to read? hehe


    It happened again. :( Jasen, fix it!! And make Gerard and Dennis stop sayin I'm noisy.
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