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Paella experiment

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Re: Deeeeeeeeeelicious!!!

I'm gonna do some beef-jerky today on the KK for the first time, I'll take some pics of the process. I bgt a bunch of ss racks off ebay from some restaurant going outta bidnez sales kinda company. I'm hoping they will do the trick.

If I can just keep the temp down I may be ok :shock:

How did the jerky go, Curly? Tasty treats? :)
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Re: Deeeeeeeeeelicious!!!

I'm gonna do some beef-jerky today on the KK for the first time, I'll take some pics of the process. I bgt a bunch of ss racks off ebay from some restaurant going outta bidnez sales kinda company. I'm hoping they will do the trick.

If I can just keep the temp down I may be ok :shock:

How did the jerky go, Curly? Tasty treats? :)

I promised pics but took none :roll:

The jerky tastes great with the real hickory smoke on it vs the dehydrator that I've used forever. But I had a lot of technical difficulties. I didn't put large enough spacers to hold the trays apart. But I went to walmart and bought a bunch more of the 1 1/2 inch flower pots...they had them on sell from .38 cents to .10 cents. So next time I'll have even spaces everywhere and larger spaces.

I also tried with indirect and it just never seemed to get the meat to darken, so I went direct and the bottom was getting burnt...but no where else. And I couldn't get my trays swapped, just to unstable a setup to get that going. I could put the ss nuts and bolts as spacers though.

I was taking pieces off and sampling and they were incredibly tasty and tender. The dehdrator motor pushes warm air over the meat to dry it, the KK at almost closed seems to push NO AIR through...or not enough to dry it, thus it stays moist and doesn't get dark on the outside. Let's face it, the machine does not want to dry meat :shock: I left it for 6 hours...still as tender as could be...but never seemed to dry the outside.

I ended up putting the meat in the dehydrator for a couple of hours to get the outside dried.

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Let's face it' date=' the machine does not want to dry meat [/quote']Hmm. Guess it's doing its job, then! Goal: moist and delicious everything! :) Wonder how you could get air movement, and not have the moving air increase the heat of the fire.

I've got some emails out to people I know have done successful beef jerky cooks on ceramic cookers...and the meat looks like beef jerky, not red ham :shock:

I'm just doing something wrong, but I would like to perfect this way! Although I've never had any complaints on my dehydrated beef jerky (after 20 years I've got it down pretty good), this way just seems right :D I may not have 20 years LEFT to perfect this method, but maybe with the internet and all of these great forums I can do it in a little less time :D

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Re: Deeeeeeeeeelicious!!!

Well' date=' if The Lovely Mrs. Majestik had some of the paella, I bet she knows about the hugs and kisses already. I can almost smell it, it looks so good.[/quote']

Oh yes... that is a delectable dish... didn't last 24 hours in our house... I'm going to have to double the recipe next time or somethin'. My daughter said "I want to eat this EVERY DAY!" hehe.


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For recipes such as this paella or whenever one is cooking in a pot or pan directly on the grill' date=' what kind of cookware is most popular out there? Cast iron type?[/quote']My paella pan is a traditional steel one. Sometimes I cook with cast iron, too.
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I just made paella tonight! Best pan for paella is (drum roll) a paella pan, which you can buy at (second drum roll) www.paellapans.com. Ok, you can also buy them from latienda.com and spanishtable.com.

I saw earlier in the thread someone mention using arborio rice due to its creaminess. While arborio rice can be used, paella is not supposed to be creamy. To quote paellapans.com, "The rice should be dry and separate when done, not creamy like risotto." You can get proper paella rice from any of those three websites.

For anyone who hasn't tried it, it is great fun and a good dish for company to share. Paellapans.com has some good information on their website about the basics, as well as some recipes.

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True about arborio. But not all groceries have rice specifically for paella, and sometimes the need for paella strikes so quickly, there's not time to mail order! :) My paella recipe book recommends medium grain rice as an alternative, too. That's often available in the spanish/latino foods section of the grocery.

:) And my paella with arborio was delicious, authentic or no.

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I saw earlier in the thread someone mention using arborio rice due to its creaminess. While arborio rice can be used' date=' paella is not supposed to be creamy. To quote paellapans.com, "The rice should be dry and separate when done, not creamy like risotto." You can get proper paella rice from any of those three websites. [/quote']

That's odd, as the arborio/short grain rice package said it was specifically for creamy rice dishes such as paella.

Oh well, it rocked. :P

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