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the hop walla

Height of Crate

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Hello all -

I'm soon buying a 23" KK and now planning for delivery and setup.

There is a small (~8") step from my front sidewalk into a courtyard where the KK will reside.

Is it feasible to have the crate placed in front of this step and use the 'ramp' to roll the KK directly from the crate onto the top of the step and thus into the courtyard?

How high off the ground does the KK sit in the crate?

Thank you in advance for your help.


Edited by the hop walla
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I would not use the ramp that comes with the cooker to roll off the skid and the 8" drop all at once.

I would set the crate a few feet away from the 8" drop, create another ramp that is about 4' long.

Use 1/2" or 3/4" plywood, re-enforce the plywood with 2"x4" boards.

roll the cooker off the crate with provided ramp, then roll over to 8" drop and down your home-made ramp.

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The ramp that comes off the crate is approx 4 1/4 inches and that would be including the plywood. Eliminate any possibility of having 500 lbs going in another direction.  As stated, build a ramp so that you can easily roll it off that 8 in height. A 4 ft length as Tucker mentioned is a good length. When you see just how massive a 23 is, you'll take all the precautions. And it wouldn't hurt to have a friend or two

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