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Found another kitty

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I was riding to work this morning and about to pass a small dead animal in the road when it lifted it's head up. So I pulled over and road back. There were cars riding over it, it was in the middle, so I had to park the bike and stop the traffic and as I went to pick up the kitten (about 4-6 weeks old) it started draging it's back end as hard and fast as it could to get away from me. He made it all the way across the road to the edge (now why didn't it do this earlier instead of lying there in the middle of the road). I guess he's a wild one and deathly afraid of people because when I picked him up, he bite the crap outa my finger. That dude has a will to live buddy, here he is maybe paralyzed, almost crushed by wheels dozens (maybe hundreds) of times and he still ain't gonna give up without a fight.

I didn't know what to do with him, so I stuck him between my shirt and jacket and road back home. When I got in the bedroom to show my wife he was a bit milder, no more bites, but a lot of meows. So, he's laying in a kennel at home with a bowl of tuna and some water waiting for the vets to open up so my wife can take him in.

I got a feeling my 8 yr old has talked his head off for the past couple of hours, she prolly won't leave his side for a second. :D

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As a human who sometimes prefers the company of dogs to other humans, I classify cats as "chubby food". :devil:

But since he was all wounded and such, I guess he can stay.

Well, I like dogs a lot, but cats are pretty awesome animals too. But we keep finding these cats! The first one (Hershey) found us when we started building the cabin and hasn't left yet. Chubby chases her up trees constantly. The second one (Licorice) was about 4-6 weeks old, almost starved to death and came running up to me one night as we left church so we had to bring it home just to get it on it's feet and healthy (at least that was what I said). But Licorice would never run from Chubby, and still won't, so they are somewhat friendly. Chubby had his head laying by Licorice's bowl last night as Licorice ate, I think Chubby's a bit frustrated cause he can't chase something that won't run from him.

I hope this new one is OK. But I couldn't leave it there to suffer, I would rather have seen someone squash it then to see it laying there struggling in the middle of the road like that. That kinda puts a hurtin on the heartstrings there :smt049

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even tho i don't have a deep love for cats (my family owns 2), it is hard to turn your back on a suffering kitten. you would have to be a despot; a cement bbq buildin, cheatin, no good despot.

hope the news is good when you get home... nothin funnier than a kitten on crutches!

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You did well' date=' Curly. And the whole Curly family. xo[/quote']

Yep, I'm sure me and my daughter will be talking about the Kitty all night long in the tent out back tonight. She's probably named him cause she names everything from her stuffed animals to her bugs. :shock:

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Here's what happened. A few days after we had to say good bye to the kitten, my sister-in-law found a kitten. She went to work and kept hearing meowing for the entire 15 mile drive. When she got there she opened the hood and foung the kitten unscathed.

So she brought him to our house thinking we needed a kitten especially after what happened. I love animals, but I said no, we already have 2 cats and 2 dogs so we're good, but we'll keep him until you find him a home. Of course, after a day or so I said we're keeping him.

Well, my 5 yr old niece has been in the hospital for 6 weeks. She had 2 open heart operations (only supposed to have one). She's had blood infections, staff infections, high temperatures...you name it and it's happened to her. She had an open heart operation at 8 days old and one at 3 years old and this one (that turned into 2) was supposed to be the final one to fix her problem. Let's hope it is, she and that family have been through enough.

But anyways, back to the story. We have fallen in love with the Kitty, whose name is Tiger. And somewhere in the 2 day period that I was determined to not have another animal, my sister-in-law said that Mary Elizabeth (the sick girl) could have this kitten if she wanted it. We didn't know about that. So Mary Elizabeths older brother and sister came to our house today (they have been shuttled between three houses these 6 weeks) and informed us that they were going to accept the kitty and Mary is coming home in a few days. Katie (my 8 year old) was devastated again. First we lost the kitten I found on the road, and now this one. But we had a long talk and she's feeling a lot better about giving this wonderful coming home gift to her little cousin.

But anyways, we lost Tiger today. Everyone searched the entire house, under everything and could not find him anywhere. We were calling him and making so much noise that we could not imagine anything could have ever slept through the racket.

But here's where we found him. He was a great little kitty, but he will have a wonderful time with the cousins.



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We are keeping Tiger. We decided that there are hundreds of kitties around here...if they really want a kitty we'll find em one. But they ain't getting Tiger.

Here's the tri-plex, it was a duplex until Tiger came along. Only Tiger and Licorice are there right now, Hershey is gone. Hershey was wild and still can't get used to a dog, Licorice and Tiger ain't scared of Chubby.

Licorice is on top. Looks like my daughter has some more artwork to do. Tiger is the smallest so she'll get the top bunk, Licorice will have to move to the middle and Hershey will have the bottom.


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Huh. They allow high rises in your neighborhood? Thought they had SOME building codes there. :wink:

:cat: :cat: :cat:

Wonderful! :)

Yes, the Kitty Condo association approved the remodel.

brother curly' date=' you have a wonderful life, my friend. it is good to see someone who appreciates the truly fine things in life![/quote']

Yeah, the 8 yr old daughter keeps me well grounded.

Nice looking litter box you have there. Never saw one with stainless fittings before.

That's kinda cold man ;)

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