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First Time Boston Butt . . .

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First Time Boston Butt . . .


OK, it is impossible to believe but even after using my Q almost every day this will be my first Boston Butt. Long ago before the Q, I had tried to cook this piece of meat and let's just say I never tried again. :wink: Also, I seem to prefer the whiter pork and if memory serves and it may not this was a darker meat. Anyway, the price of meat has gone up over here so I thought I'd give this cheaper cut a go.

It is a 4 pounder with bone @ 99 cents a pound. I read that I can expect to cook it around 16 hours--1 1/4 to 2 hrs per lb--@ 220 degrees. Also, I read that it should be pulled and I can't really see myself getting into pulling . . . what about just regular slicing?

I plain on using tea mix for the dry rub. It works fantastic on ribs. Suggestions? Comments? Answers? When I read about the Q in NJ, I felt this very strong urge to make the drive from FL to add to the family. :)

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Re: First Time Boston Butt . . .

First Time Boston Butt . . .


OK, it is impossible to believe but even after using my Q almost every day this will be my first Boston Butt. Long ago before the Q, I had tried to cook this piece of meat and let's just say I never tried again. :wink: Also, I seem to prefer the whiter pork and if memory serves and it may not this was a darker meat. Anyway, the price of meat has gone up over here so I thought I'd give this cheaper cut a go.

It is a 4 pounder with bone @ 99 cents a pound. I read that I can expect to cook it around 16 hours--1 1/4 to 2 hrs per lb--@ 220 degrees. Also, I read that it should be pulled and I can't really see myself getting into pulling . . . what about just regular slicing?

I plain on using tea mix for the dry rub. It works fantastic on ribs. Suggestions? Comments? Answers? When I read about the Q in NJ, I felt this very strong urge to make the drive from FL to add to the family. :)

4 lbs will not go near as long as an 8 lb'er....so 16 hrs will be a shoe maker recipe. And if it's cooked right you'll not be able to slice it...way too tender. Just take a couple of forks and pull it apart.

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OK, I don't want to make shoes. :shock: That tender? Wow, it sounds like I'm in for a real treat. :o When I tried to cook it years earlier without the benefit of the Q, it wasn't edible. Not even the dog next door wanted it. :roll: Yes, it was a tiny dog but still I figured a dog is made for that type work. Instead he gives me these big sad eyes like what did I ever do to you . . .

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Re: First Time Boston Butt . . .

It is a 4 pounder with bone @ 99 cents a pound. I read that I can expect to cook it around 16 hours--1 1/4 to 2 hrs per lb--@ 220 degrees. :)

Boy was I off! :oops: Yes, I did read 16 hours . . . however, 2 hrs per lb would equal 4lbs X 2hrs = 8hrs. Thus, the 16 hours must have been referring to a bigger butt. 8) Even 8 hours may be too long and maybe I see what Winn Dixie has in the way probes. I think they sell whole boxes of them.

I'm already getting some drool over to "too tender to slice." :) But, this meal is for tomorrow assuming no rain. And, that pooch next door ain't getting any after he turned up his nose last time. ;)

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4# for a butt?? sounds really small. either its off a really young hog, or they sliced half of it for steaks. set up your cooker for indirect with a drip pan to catch the drippings. dont worry the probes, just make sure you have your cooker stable at 225-250 ( i like to let it go for 1/2 - 1 hour b4 putting on the butts), and let her rip. don't worry it, and don't do alot of peeking and adjusting the drafts.

once you put that lonely ol' 4# butt on the grate, let it alone. you might see the temp drop slightly when you put the butt on, but dont start adjusting drafts and stuff. leave it alone and it'll be cool. you get an hour into your cook, and temps are looking weird, then start thinking about minute adjustments. otherwise let it alone for the 8 hours, then test for doneness. see if that shoulder bone will pull free. if so, you're done. if it resists more than just a little bit, leave it on for another hour and try again.

you are in for a treat!!!

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YES, it seemed small! I was happy though . . .

because it is just me and kids next door. 8) And, I was hoping the reason it was so small was because because it came off a really young hog.

With sparibs there seems to be a considerable difference in bones. Somestimes they're small, and very flexible after cooking and you can even chew them! :D I assumed those came from a younger animal and I always try and find one with small looking bones. The taste really varies with the color of the spare rib meat. It goes from very white, which I love and prefer to darker with more fat, which I just love. ;) Anyway, I'm thinking younger animal better butt. :P

A drip pan? More advanced cooking techniques. :smt065

Thank you for the excellent cooking tips. It is difficult not to peek. And, waiting for the cooker to stabilize, well let's just say I'm so eager sometimes that I could put the food on even BEFORE lighting the charcoal. Yep, I need to learn humpitatune (My father always said that--it supposed to mean patience in Armenian).

I didn't know anything about the shoulder bone technique and will definitely try it. So, I'm really looking at 8 hours or more? Wow! I think it is going to be treat just like the ribs are out of this world good. Unfortunately, I didn't get to cook today. :sad10: I had to see the optomiterist (sp?) which I forgot what an ordeal that is---I acually like the dentist better!!!!!! :eek:

Thanks to DENNIS the taste and quality of the food I've been eating has gone thru the roof. :D The real complaint I have and there is no one to blame but me and DENNIS of course, is that I gained at least 20 pounds and it wasn't muscle.

I will get a little back in shape . . . just need to realize I'm eating more, a lot more than I normally did . . .

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So Why am I Fooling Around with Ribs? :)

Yes, I'm crazy about ribs. However, this Boston Butt is cheaper and has more meat. The only thing is it is richer and you don't get to knaw on a nice rib bone. The only other thing I can think of is that ribs are classics . . . iows they got the well deserved rep. :P

So any erudite answers?

Thanks again for the tips Porkchop. :) I didn't use a drip pan and it certainly didn't hurt the results in that I can't imagine it getting any better! Of course, may the drippings are good for gravy or something or maybe it is just tidier.

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Re: So Why am I Fooling Around with Ribs? :)

I didn't use a drip pan and it certainly didn't hurt the results in that I can't imagine it getting any better! Of course' date=' may the drippings are good for gravy or something or maybe it is just tidier.[/quote']

Well, if there's a lot of fat to drip off your meat, the drip pan keeps the fat from dripping onto hot coals. That makes black bitter smoke. Bleh.

But maybe that didn't happen to you! YAY! :) Looks like a triumph, Paul. Excellent job. :spin:

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You can get lots of exercise, running to the store to pick up more lump. Going to the news stand to get the weeks ads to see what meat is on sale that you KK can devour. If you feel the need to have shiny grills, I think you could get some aerobics in scrubbing your grills... maybe some bicep-tricep action loading and unloading the lump from the truck....

Plenty of exercise to be had for sure!

I feel like I should do some exercises . . . when a meal is that good it gotta be bad. :wink:
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It probably sounds CRAZY . . .

It probably sounds CRAZY, but I'm going to do another Boston Butt today. :shock:


No, I didn't eat all of the first one. I gave it the teenager next door because he is still growing, over 6 ft, and loves ribs. He does wish that I'd make them hotter, but I figure he can always add hot sauce later.

At 99 cents a pound, I bought 4 butts which really is too much to buy at one time.

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Hi trish,

I'm very weak when comes to food. My father who was a really sweet and intelligent man would get very upset about how careful I was about food. I would get sick. Sometimes very sick. His mantra was it is all in your head.

I understood where he was coming from because he NEVER got sick from food no matter its condition. Anyway, one day he searches thru the garbage. I had NO idea he was doing such nonsense. And, he finds a bunch of donuts in mint condition. He hits the roof! Food was really a very sore point in my family. I explain the food has been POISONED. I didn't even know how he can stand it in his mouth. I later learn that due to genetics some people can taste certain poisons and others can't. Apparently, he can't. So he gobbles them down saying DELICIOUS, despite my protests. And, he is also saying you're a NUT, blah, blah, blah. I say let me know when to call the ambulance or heck, I will drive you if you can walk to the car.

Sure enough for the first time in his life he understood what it was like to get really sick from food. He hated hospitals with a passion, but as he kept getting sicker he asked me to get ready to take him. He suffered may be a week. :( After that I never heard any nonsense about it is all in your head. He asked why didn't you call the police if you knew the doughnuts were poisoned. I said first of all I can't believe anyone could even eat them! They were nasty and I love doughnuts. Second, do you think the police would treat me better than you?

Also, I'm even afraid to eat at friends' homes. I ate a shrimp that I knew was trouble, but you spit it out? Boy, did I get sick. Throwing up and the works. Dad wanted to call an ambulance. I asked the friend and he said no one else complained and he loved the shrimp. That same scenario has played out with other friends-- bad BBQ for example. I got very sick and everyone else was fine. My younger sister has the same problem. Anyway, I cringe when a friend wants me to come over to eat. Usually, I will make up different excuses.

What does all this ranting have to do with leftovers? Well, it seems like more often than not the leftovers are a real problem. My older sister brought me some fried chicken from work, which was normal. And, I loved it. One night she brought some home that I didn't care for and she was surprised and said fried chicken is your favorite. I said I don't even want it. I don't know what is wrong, but I'd rather eat nothing. And, I was definitely hungry. Then she admits the restaurant had a new policy. Recooking leftovers. Even though I hadn't eaten much of the chicken I got sick.

My mother loved to say if you're hungry you'll eat anything. I was told her, you would be surprised--I'm definitely willing to starve if the food is bad. It doesn't make any sense to eat so you can start vomiting and worse. You get sick, again and again, then why continue the nonsense? The only other person getting sick was my younger sister. And, she doesn't like being invited to friends' homes to eat, either. It isn't any fun dealing with the food problem.

I never eat the leftovers, anymore. Doesn't matter how good the food was or how much I need to save money. I just tell myself it is better to go hungry rather than risk getting sick. The last time I got sick from food, a friend's party (sort of forced to eat), I was very sick for about 2 weeks. Never again. I'd rather friends think I'm a nut or think poorly of me. Just because they can eat whatever doesn't mean I can. :(

Countless times I was told about the starving children everywhere. I never did understand why that meant I should be eating food that would make me very sick. And, if it was so good, then why wouldn't I eat it? I LOVED eating good food and usually ate too much--good food didn't make me sick even when I truly stuffed myself past any reasonable boundaries.

Anyway, thank you for the advice. I'm sure it is great for almost everyone else. :)

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