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I'm cooking for 70 over the fourth.

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I'm thinking of doing two 15-20 lb chuck rolls and 2-3 8 lb pork butts. Do you think I can fit that all in one cook if I use the double grill?

How would I time the cook?

To have it ready for the fourth I was thinking of putting the chuck rolls on around noon on the third and the pork butts before I go to bed.

Remove in the AM and wrap in the cooler. Shred right before 1pm.

Does that sound right?

Anyone ever try a cook this big? How did it go?

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What do you have for thermometers?

If you only have one, I would get a second wired Polder or whatever and probe a Chuckroll and a butt. Monitor them and when they get close, you can check the others. I have done similar and I check the others with the Thermapen when the probed piece indicates it's done. You can then move your probe to what is left on the grill if they finish at different times.

Put your monitor probe in the smallest hunk of each type of meat.

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Well, here we go.

You see now, if Dennis had that 19.6 ready; all you'd need to do is pick one of those puppies up. :wink: Roast on one and pork on the other.

Shoot, why not just two of the big boys? It's for 70 people, after all. :)

I think you NEED two, anyway. I mean, kosher and all. Cook porky things in one, and non-porky things in another. :) Yup, for sure you need two.


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Re: I'm cooking for 70 over the fourth.

I'm thinking of doing two 15-20 lb chuck rolls and 2-3 8 lb pork butts. ...

To have it ready for the fourth I was thinking of putting the chuck rolls on around noon on the third and the pork butts before I go to bed.

Remove in the AM and wrap in the cooler. Shred right before 1pm.

Anyone else think that's cutting it too close?

My last pork butt cook (2 'Costco sized' butts) took longer than 12 hours at just under 250. Can't imagine how long two 20 lb chuck roasts would take, but I'm thinkin longer than "on at noon, off in the AM."

And if all that meat is in one cooker, doesn't that take longer than if only one of them were in the cooker? Longer to heat up a larger quantity of meat, etc? Or doesn't that apply to 4 individual pieces of meat? Surely it would if it were one 56 lb piece...

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All that meat may take a bit longer, but I don't think it's much.

I'm trying to understand the beef taking longer than the butts.

You plan on starting the beef roles at noon the 3rd, and butts that evening, so it's all ready for the 4th. Sounds like a long time for beef. I can shred beef in a few hours in a cast iron dutch oven at 350.

I'd give the pork 16 hours give or take at ~220 F. If finished earlier than planned, wrap in saran wrap, foil, beach towel, and place in a ice chest, or microwave.

Are you doing the beef for pulled/shreaded beef? That's what you may end up with if putting it on at noon.

I think it'll all fit in the cooker fine. I'd let the butt drip on the beef if possible.

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As I recall previous chuck rolls have taken 22 + hours. They were 20-25 lbs. There are previous posts and pictures here somewhere.

That's what I'm remembering, too, Trish. Here's a thread where Bobkat left his in for over 20. I'm not sure how the jury ever came out on that. Not sure if he left it in too long (and it got dry), or he didn't leave it in long enough and didn't get past the plateau.

http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... roll+hours

Just one of many posts on the subject.


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Trish, R U ready for some ribbin! Cause I'm ready for some givin' :eek:

Out the gate she comes, roaring at the top of her voice "22 hours cook time", as if she knows all about it.

Then....... to find answers, she sends ya on a wild goose chase!!!! :lol:

Don't worry Trish, you're still loved. Just couldn't pass up a bit of ribbin'. :wink:

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Johnnyboy...if I read it here doesn't that make me an expert? :lol:

I remember reading about it cause I wanted to try a chuck roll, but I never see them in the store. I do see rather large clod roasts....has anyone tried one of those?

There have been quite a few posts here on the chuck roll.

Just to toss the ribbing back......that is what the search option is for. ;):lol:

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I remember reading about it cause I wanted to try a chuck roll, but I never see them in the store.

I just picked up a chuck roll from Sams club today, have you tried there?

I asked the guy behind the counter if he had one, and he asked how big I wanted. I replied, "the smallest one" and he came back with 23.15# :eek:

I am going to roast a good portion of it for pulled beef, but I will probably cut off a couple of decent sized roasts first, to freeze for later.

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