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First Cook

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Ok, folks finnaly got around to making my first cook. I have to tell you this grill is TIGHT!!!! I did not see any smoke leaking from the seals (and I looked hard) Can you say no more STUPID band adjustments yeeeeehaaaaaw!!!!! Can you say no more jamming dowels and washers into the rediculouse prop tubes waaaaahoooo!!!! Can you say my polder wire went throught the hole and I did not have to lay over my seal yiiiiipeeee!! Ok, got a little excited there. Oh and did you say you want more pictures? Ok, ok

Decided to do shish kabobs since I didn't have much time:




My temp gauge is still in transit so I used my Redi Check through the supplied hole.



Here is a picture of the DOUBLE seal, I had thought it was one seal on top of the other but this is slick, its actually two seals side by side. As I said before this thing was tight as a knats ass:


All I can say is it was an absolute pleasure to cook with this grill, I can't find a flaw with it yet. But I'll keep looking.


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Re: First Cook



I remember someone saying something about an ear on the top? So what the heck is that - a way of determining the opening amount? I had a grout pit hole on my old grill to gauge by - hehehe.


PS - Nice pics Tony - thanks!! I am positive nobody here minds if you keep posting plenty more too (if they do - screw'um as I want to see more).


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Very cool, you lucky SOB.

The seals are cool; I didn't know anything about them. I imagine it's nice to have all these innovative surprises. I hope they're not too difficult to replace, being all precision applied and stuff. I would hate to have to send the kk back to Indonesia for new gaskets. :P:P:P

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Man, now I am jealous

... and I havent even placed my order yet!

Tony, whats going on with the handle on the main grill? Its in the back, under the hinge, and the other is mounted to the flip up section in front? Is there a way to lock the flip up part shut and use it as a handle, or am I reading the pics wrong? If this is how the handles are built, it there enough clearance under the lid in the rear to easily get the grate out while loaded?

(not t hat I ever want to have to do that, but fires have gone out or other such nonsense)



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Re: Man, now I am jealous

... and I havent even placed my order yet!

Tony, whats going on with the handle on the main grill? Its in the back, under the hinge, and the other is mounted to the flip up section in front? Is there a way to lock the flip up part shut and use it as a handle, or am I reading the pics wrong? If this is how the handles are built, it there enough clearance under the lid in the rear to easily get the grate out while loaded?

From what I understand, he is putting lifting handles on the sides now. I will try to find a pic real quick.


Here it is - viewtopic.php?t=243

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I missed out

Yes unfortunately I missed out on the new design. It is kind of awkward trying to lift the grill especially since the swing part does NOT lock in place. Maybe Dennis has surprised me and included the new version in the shipment of accessories I am getting. Otherwise I may find a way to lock down the swing gate on my own, or order the new version. Thats what I get for being a pioneer. Drat!!

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Your Redi-Chek actually works?!

Your redi check BBQ thermometer works?!

What a disappointment this mine's been. The receiver is constantly losing sync with the transmitter. This happens without alarm/warning. The receiver simply continues to display the last temperature it received from the transmitter. It simply does not work and I've been using the sensor/transmitter unit only (has a display on it).

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a common complaint

leejp - there is a whole discussion on the 'other' forum about them not working, and people adding home made antennae to them (with mixed results). They are so used to fixing their own grills, that it only seems resonable to re-engineer a thermometer, too!

The thread begins: http://www.kamado.com/cgi-bin/discus/sh ... #POST13072

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Hey Tony,

Can you post more pix of the seals?? That looks different than what I had imagined.

I was picturing an interlock kind of thing, where the top would have a lip that extended down into a groove on the bottom... like this:


You picture looks like two gaskets that create a sort of similar effect.

More pix please.



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Re: I missed out

Yes unfortunately I missed out on the new design. It is kind of awkward trying to lift the grill especially since the swing part does NOT lock in place. Maybe Dennis has surprised me and included the new version in the shipment of accessories I am getting. Otherwise I may find a way to lock down the swing gate on my own' date=' or order the new version. Thats what I get for being a pioneer. Drat!![/quote']

Tony, if you ever make it down Augusta way, I would be happy to weld you on some side handles. I have a TIG and MIG welding outfit. I am sure I have enough scrap SS laying around for the handles.


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By The Way!

Hey Tony, sorry you were unable to get by here, but the offer still stands whenever you do get down this way. Just give me a few days heads up to make sure I will be here and have plenty of argon in my tank.

Oh yeah, that offer is extended to any of you that live close enough. I always like having small projects for tinkering. I mean I am not welding up a trailer here or nothing, but small fixes I do for the enjoyment.


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