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Got a little rust

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Well, this was a surprise; I didn't expect to see rust on my KK. I searched the forum, but couldn't find any other posts about this, so I thought I'd start one.

I found some dots of surface rust on the spring cover and panels around the top of the spring, and some rust on the spring itself. I took a couple of pictures, but I don't think the rust on the spring is very visible. I sprayed the spring and surrounding areas with WD-40.

Has anyone else ever gotten rust on any of the stainless on their KKs? All the other SS parts are rust-free.

I have already contacted johnnyboy for infor about his covers. My question is, will covering the KK help prevent rust? Also, what would be the best method to remove the surface rust without scratching the surface of the stainless steel?


img0215f.th.jpg img0216.th.jpg

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I am in FL, where it rains daily, and have seen no rust whatsoever in a few years of ownership. Just curoius, is this grill in cape coral? Maybe caused by salt water?

As for cleaning it off, any metal polish will do well. You could use a wheel polish from the automotive aisle, or even just barkeepers friend to clean it off. I had some decent scratches on mine, from where I was fine tuning the fit, and they all polished out to a bright shine using automotive "billet" or wheel polish.

BTW, the spring itself is NOT stainless, just galvanized, so maybe spray it with some paint to keep it in shape.

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Carbon steel contamination of Stainless steel

I assure you all the stainless on your KOmodo is 304 and from a reputable source.

Please read this post which will give you more knowledge about rust on stainless than you could ever want..

Basically bits of carbon can sit on any stainless and grow..

Keep it clean it won't rust.

Even water sitting in steel pipes or touching carbon steel then touching the stainless can cause this..


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Thanks Dennis,

I never doubted the quality or source of the stainless on my KK. Good to know about contamination, however. I learned something today!

I will polish the stainless tomorrow, after the rain clears up, and I am going to order a cover from Johnnyboy. The contamination is probably from whatever crud is in the air and comes through my pool cage's screens. I have to give my lanai a good rinse every couple weeks, as I'll notice that walking across it barefoot leaves the soles of my feet black. The same stuff is on the surface of the KK, and I'm sure is what has contaminated the stainless.

Now if I could just get rid of the damned pool cage...


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The main purpose of the pool cage is to keep out bugs and debris, like leaves and pine needles. They also satisfy the local and state laws that mandate a pool not be accessible by unattended children.

I grew up in Massachusetts; and spent some time in the Ft. Lauderdale area in the 90's, and had never seen a pool cage (also called a Mansard cage). But here in SW Florida, they are everywhere. In fact, since I've been down here, I've only seen one home with a pool that did not have a cage.

Firemonkey, are pool cages common up in the Orlando area?


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I wouldn't have expected the redistribution of dirt and grime either. This is a new home for me (Just moved in in Jan.), and my first with a pool or pool cage. I don't have any pine trees or large trees of any kind hanging over my cage. I don't know why there is a problem with dirt accumulating...just lucky I guess. ;)

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feeling like I'm mozi food..


An unscreened pool is almost unheard of, not as much for leaves and debris, but because with all the fresh water lakes, humidity and daily summer rain, you wouldn't be able to use it after the sun went down for fear of the mosquitos!

Yes, I'm very familiar with feeling like I'm mozi food while swimming at night. We need to fog the garden if a night swim is in the plans..


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Swimming pool cage

For some reason, here in texas, basically no one has a swimming pool cage. Like Dennis, I had to look the thing up on Google.

We have plenty of leaves and stuff blowing into the pool, but I guess it does not rain nearly as much here. As far as child safety, I had a wrought iron fence built around my entire pool for that.

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Maybe its to make your pool more of an extension of your house? Personally, it would need to be air conditioned for me to call it that :D

Sometimes I think the screened enclosures are just something to keep insurance companies' attorneys busy...they are always trying to find creative ways to exclude them from hurricane damage claims. I noticed in my H/O ins. renewal papers that they added some language last year to say thay they did not cover enclosures in the event of a hurricane. They further defined a screen enclosure as "any structure on your property, whether attached to your home or not, that is comprosed of screens on more than one side, and otherwise open to the weather. " Apparently that didnt screw enough people, so they further ammended it to read "Screened enclosures are structures which are not constructed or covered by the same or substantially the same materials as that of the primary dwelling." There, that should exclude just about anything they want it to. :?

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Don't get me started on insurance companies. The kid that ran the stop sign and hit me did not have his mothers permission to drive the car. Therefore they were not liable. So the attorney got about as much money out of it as I did.

That's when you insist someone press auto theft charges against the kid... Cause either he stole it, or he had permission. Mom can choose whether she wants to pay you, or visit son in jail.

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