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T Rex

Loaf pan chicken

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I got the idea from Chris Lilly's book....... Got the KK to 325F and cooked the chicken for approx 1.5 hours. Incredibly juicy and the beer was consumed this time........... :D

Placed the bird on the KK


Let the KK do its' thing for 1.5 hours


A peek about 1 hour in


The end result......


Definitely a repeat recipe... :)

T Rex

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Whatcha got stuffed in the bird, T? Is that lemon or orange? Good looking cook!

Hey, it looks like you upgraded your serving plate! ;)

Hey Conodo, stuffed the inside of the bird with onion, lemon and a bunch of spices........ Yup, Mrs. T Rex picked up a couple of new platters the other day so the "pressure" is off...... :D:D

T Rex

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Mrs T gets my vote for a better looking platter--tape a dollar bill to the old one and see if you can sell it for .50c!!

Hey LPT, already received a better Offer from a revered Forum member who shall remain, anonymous.......... :D:D

Some very generous members on this Forum! :)

T Rex

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A random Act of Kindness

C'mon' date=' T Rex, you can tell. Is it the Doc???[/quote']

Hey Susan, the Offer was a "Random Act of Kindness".... :D While I would prefer not to identify this kind hearted soul, he was prepared to store my favorite green platter in Kerrville, Texas out of the reach of Mrs. T Rex and return it upon request...... :)

I'M going to try to repay this kind gesture with some Prawns if I can figure out a good way to get them to him/her.......... :D:D We have been eating them for the past two days, had my fill so I put a little pork shoulder on earlier this morning.

T Rex

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Re: Need to try this

I've been meaning to give this method a try, looks great!

Also, love the shot of your KK, what a beautiful cooker you have.

Hey Larr, this is a crazy simple way to do chicken and you would not believe how tender and juicy the bird turned out. I used to do the Drunken Chicken thing until I got the KK....... never again! It is much more fun to DRINK THE BEER ......... :D:D

T Rex

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