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New to forum from AU

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Hello my name is Frans and live in Australia, Raymond Island in the Gippsland lakes, Victoria. I just took possession of a bronze KOmodo Kamado 23" I cannot believe the workmanship that went in to this beautiful cooker. Dennis it is an unbelievable cooker the craftsmanship is the best I have ever seen. I am very proud of it and your service is legendary, all I have read about you came true. You are also the kindest person to deal with. Anyway I hope you enjoy the photos . The journey took me 12 hours including waiting, the return distance was 650 km. I left with the ferry of 0530 and arrived back at 1645. Not bad for an 20 year old car and a 15 year old trailer. You can see the car on the ferry. I cannot believe that I have the most beautiful and the best cooker in the world. Thank you for everything. I am looking forward to cooking on this beautiful toy. Frans. fetch?id=67954fetch?id=67955fetch?id=67956fetch?id=67957fetch?id=67958fetch?id=67960fetch?id=67959

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Re: New to forum from AU

G'Day Frans - Congrats! I just received my bronze KK a couple of weeks ago and it is awesome...you're gonna love it! Had some Brits over for dinner on Sunday that were very impressed with the aesthetics , but were more impressed with the beef tenderloin (Aussie beef I might add).

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Re: New to forum from AU

Have a look at the bottom picture and you'll spot the "Natives" Kangaroos. They are regular visitors to our property at dawn and late in the afternoons. The KK is a wonderful addition to not only the deck but its surroundings as well. My partner said " its a work of ART and its functional as well".What more can one want l ask you.

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Re: New to forum from AU

Hi Brett nice to hear from you in fact I was trying to get in touch with you today to find out how you were getting on with it because I saw your unit and the one that went to Mark in Tas. When it was loaded on to the truck whilst I was loading mine in Melb (nightmare) but I could not find your number in the white pages. Hope you love it as much as I do.

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Re: New to forum from AU

Welcome! I was just wondering about all the extra wrappings you have' date=' the metallic lining, the paper wrap and the cardboard around the crate. Is this the new way of crating or is that particular to Australia? Happy cooking![/quote']

The LCL freight gets more packing too ensure they arrive in pristine condition..

I've sold more to Au in the last two months than the previous 5 years..

This is the only good thing about the dollar's considerable plunge against currencies here..

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