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sous vide flank steak times

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These are some times I collected 7-8 yers ago when sv was starting in the home.

Sous Vide


Steak (sv131=48h)       Flank w/Tian Provençal *

Steak (sv131=48h)       Flank Wagyu Teriyaki

Steak (sv132.8=1-48h) Flank Taco w/Red Onion Compote *

Steak (sv132=48h)        Flank Wagyu UK *

Steak (sv133=42h)        Flank *

Steak (sv140=8-24h)     Flank *

Steak (sv140=8-48h)     Flank *


Last month I played with flank steak

#1 (sv150=8h (to much) 

(#2 sv140=8h (to little).

This week I'm trying

sv145=8h. (hope to find baby bear you know "just right"

My point is are the sv meat recipe times we all use of 2 plus days correct?


What say you?

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Nice to know things:

1- In sv cooking if there are two time numbers the first number is the ready to eat time.

The second number is how long product can be held at temp without a mush problem.

2- In BBQ when product is foil wrapped the stall will be skipped causing a definite shortening of cooking times. Sometimes hours.



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I understand that there are plenty of opportunities for 48h sous vide. Usually cuts that we'd cook overnight in a KK, or braise all day in a clay pot.


For steak, I choose somewhere between minimum time till temperature stabilizes (usually an hour) and some additional time to tenderize more challenging but flavorful cuts (usually several hours). While I don't sweat it if dinner turns out an hour late, I've never applied 48h sous vide to steak. Except for brisket and pork butts, which welcome several days of advance planning, I rarely have any idea what I want to eat two days from now!


My advice for anyone starting out, with a steak they would have simply grilled in an earlier era, is to sous vide 1 to 2 hours. The interesting question is the target temperature, a matter of family personal preference. My family prefers 134 F or 136 F, which I've learned to enjoy, migrating from my very rare "just pull the shards of windshield out!" inclinations.

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Just had to check out that flank steak again after cutting it up and bagging it for the freezer. I really like how moist it still is, thinking I won't change a thing about the cook other than I might try 131F instead of 132F just to see the difference.


This time of the year it is hard to keep up with the fresh veggies. I did use some up, julienned some zucchini squash, carrots, a white radish and added some dice garlic and onion chives for a nice mix.



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