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marco polo

First cook + leftover suggestions

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Ooooh! Doesn't that sound yummy? Grandma used to make something like that, only not fried. It was in a cast iron thingy long handled thingy that she'd hold over the stove. Kinda like those electric sammich pocket thingies they sell now, but this was manual. Put dough on one side, fill, put dough on top, clamp shut and hold over the burner until it cooked. She'd make some with apple sauce or cheese, or other delicious stuff.

If you've not seen it, the cookbook Silver Spoons is amaaaaazing! It's immense, and there aren't enough pictures, but there are Italian recipes for everything. Fun to read and see that the stuff grandma (anna lucia) used to make for grandpa (angelo) are right out of the Old Country! :)

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Re: Inspiring topics...

The idea of fried and cheese lingered' date=' and last night made a nice dough, ... flattened into a mini pizza round, and stuffing of pulled butt, ricotta, lotsa pepper. fold it over like a calzone, be sure to pinch it closed all around, and into some hot oil. ...[/quote']Hmm. That sounds really good! I think I'd skip the hot oil, and put it on the pizza stone, for little baked calzone. Don't even know if I'd dip it in sauce. I like cheesy porky goodness! :) I might try one with olives in, but do you think the cured olives would overpower the pork? Maybe olive on its own, or with herbs, or (as you did) with a strong savory ingredient.

I like ideas that aren't traditional saucy bbq or "mexican inspired." Neither is familiar to me. More Chinese and Italian in my history. Not much potato, more rice and pasta. :smt102 Go figger.

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I made a couple of the calzone. Ricotta, mozzarella, parmesan, fresh herbs, pepper and eggwhites (recipe called for a whole egg, but I didn't want that and porky goodness). Simple dough recipe - takes only about 10 mins to make, plus rest. It'll sit in the frigerator, wrapped, for a few days, too.

They look pretty so far! I've not cooked them yet, though. They need to be served right out of the oven to be best.


Ok, here's the cooked pic. One of them unpinched, but sure looks good! :)


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Re: Calzone

I made a couple of the calzone. Ricotta, mozzarella, parmesan, fresh herbs, pepper and eggwhites (recipe called for a whole egg, but I didn't want that and porky goodness). Simple dough recipe - takes only about 10 mins to make, plus rest. It'll sit in the frigerator, wrapped, for a few days, too.

They look pretty so far! I've not cooked them yet, though. They need to be served right out of the oven to be best.

Those look delicious Sanny!


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Re: Nice Calzone Sanny

Lookin' good' date=' and am sure tasted very good. Did you bake or KK??[/quote']Oven baked. 500 degrees (f), 10 mins, on preheated pizza stone. The pork was the last of last weekend's bbq butt fest. :)

No wonder Snooks didn't come...he's used to K'd food and now you try to push the stovetop stuffing on him :shock:

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