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Everything posted by ZooBeeQ

  1. The new Normal. That's the trouble with normal, it always get worse ;-/ ( Thank You bruce c )
  2. NICE!! I have always wanted to try the gyro style meat stack, I have a roti too. That looks fabulous. Thanks
  3. Is it mostly because of how backed up everything is now and it will go back to normal, whatever that is sometime in the future? Its making that used KK in general looking really good!!
  4. Everyone has a hobby eh? lol. I used to live in Oshawa back before it was part of the GTA. I know I know, not quite but almost. I'm still not far off in Buffalo. Post a few more cooks? Sue
  5. She's a beaut!! Great shape too. Why are you selling? Some nice cooks in that!! Zoo
  6. Yes I have but it seems only on industrial pork. When I get local raised pork it just shreds really wonderfully. I have also noticed that with IP I get overflow drippings of fat, LOcal not quite a cup but the last one was well trimmed and I was concerned. I needed not be. Luv the Guru bit lmao Also, terrific looking butt there !!
  7. Wow. just wow. You guys are all awesome bakers, these pics are truly gorgeous and yeah, I had to move my KB outa the way so as not to drool on it;-) I read most of this loooong thread, its tough coming late to the party, and I had some comments to add but, im tired and I dont think it would make any sense lol. The pic of those " spelt seedlings " is sprouted wheat berries and look pretty well modified by the looks of them. Bake on! Sue
  8. No complaints ! this was my 3rd pig for these guys and this on the KK was the best, the other two were on one of those caja china boxes. pita
  9. Come hell or COLD weather LOL. About 11 last night I noticed the temp starting to stall and the blower was on constantly. We are out of fuel. This was gonna hurt . Pulled both grills full of wonderfully smokey pork, pulled out the spent smokers and filled up the basket to the drip pan ! Replace grills n pig and wait for pit to get up to temp again. Get my sorry ass to bed with alarms and temps set. 2:30 am brings the beeps so out of bed I fall to pull the done bits. The 2 shoulders were smallest so they came off into the cooler but waited an hour for the hams to get up 5' to 200. 4am the mid sections goes on and by 430 im back in bed with pit@189 and rising. 8:30 brings me downstairs to ribs at 186 but still a bit jiggley so I waited till 10 and 190 to pull them and place in cooler and We done here ! I'm going to need a big bad If I want to keep this up lol. Ultimately do able on the KK but it was only an 88 lb pig and need two shifts but very do able. " poke in the eye with a blunt stick?? no thanks, id rather do a pig in 17' weather with a wind chill to single digits." Payoff is Hopfest Beer tent ans some fine pig, if I can stay awake that long. Thanks for all the words of encouragement and hope i Wasn't too boring, this is as much a diary for the next time as it is a share with you fine folks. PIcs library updated too. Zo0
  10. OK, got the pig yesterday and carved it up last night. I cut off the two fore trotters and hacksawed the hinds then proceeded to draw and quarter her. Picshere Getting the head off was the toughest but with my handy axe and hammer, we got the job done. Marinade was done, injection followed then place all the bits in two coolers and marinade and ice on top until just two hours ago. We got the KK going @ 12today to preheat and soak. The heat up basket was pulled @2 and a fully loaded basket with 2 SS smoker boxes with hickory embedded on top with coals from the preheat placed on top and put back into the KK to get going. Drip pans placed. After fitting all probes and putting both shoulders and hams on the grills to size, I placed some garlic inside all the meat. About 2 whole cloves slid inside and underskin no rub. Carry out the grates, thread the wires and plug chit in and we off to the races by 3! PHew. 2 of the 3 signals probes are*#%@!* but too late now. Down to half the thermos I should have but one is on the main grill and one on the lower so I should be ok *heavysigh* Oh, and doesn't bloody signals need to update the firmware?? That went quickly after d'ling the program to do it. ugh. I smell wonderfully smokey now and the KK is up to temp @ 250. If all goes well an she's all done oh what, 2-3 am? ill go down and pull them into the warmed coolers and put the ribs sections on, go back to bed and wake up to a job well done! I hope I let you know. Sj
  11. I can get behind that Z
  12. LOL death or pictures , yeah. Having a meet tonight over beers to discuss all the great input here, see if anyone wants roast too. That might be cool, something for everyone. So shoulders on first and bottom, hams on second mid and chest section on top last. Depending on what I can fit. I was thinking of I got it all on by 6pm friday , depending on heat steal, i should be able to get chest section on in the morning ( whatever AM hell its finished lol ) and ready for the beer gardens by 1 PM saturday Yeah I have a deadline here, hungry beer drinkers will want something warm and tasty soon. TBC uhm I could post pics of the last 3 pigs ive done I guess
  13. Why Thank You Tyrus. I'd like to imagine all of us being that friendly in here., and I absolutely would take that opportunity to kick back and trade BBq stories and good beer. LOL yeah, warm and magical in Tampa this time of year Gene McCarthys O.F.W. Brewing. pics here I love that story about the bulls, I've heard the more ribald vs but yeah, just like that hehehe. Zo0
  14. toni b, there you are! I was wondering if you would post. OK , good thinking on the deflector, already working with heat deficiency Thanks. On the smoker, I actually changed up the Ss box design using syzygies design for just that reason. I ll post a pic of that later. 35 yes, wish it was gong to be that warm here next weekend but no, dipping down from an arctic blast to 21. Although that's the thing with weather here in buffalo, you don't like it? wait 5 minutes, It'll change. TBC Zo0
  15. Tyrus, Great pics man! Yeah, cinder block was how we were going to do it but I am just getting too old to do that kinda sh in this kinda weather ( 32'f) The pit would have been downtown in the beer garden, where I would have to feed it every hour, all night and sleeping arrangements were uhm non-existent ( read inconvenient ) did I mention I'm getting too old for that kinda sh?? I have been looking at getting a smoker like yours but nless I can get my beer buddies to pony up. . . . . They already got the Caja chinas for this, its not in the cards right now. If you were closer I'd consider borrowing it LOL Looks like you had some room to spare. No fair taking the head off!! Heads are tasty. I'll post pics, no worries and I'm not dead yet, think I'll go for a walk! Zo0
  16. Awesome ! Thanks Basher,Great info on space. I like to put the grates etc in cold to see how it will look. You'd think I would know this 😕 . Its not going to get much above 35 this week or weekend so its going to be a cold layout, I love the apple idea and I have a bushel of apples in storage just waiting. I have some Kombucha I forgot about so its a bit vinegary, i"ll add that to the sweet cider and apples. Got my sweet rub ready, will do the spicy rub later. I see you are in AU, Hope things are getting better down under? Been big news here for a while still. ❤️ For any of you spice hounds, I've been getting some fantastic spices from Burlap and Barrel here I adore their chillis Thanks, Zo0
  17. LOL, Basher, oh yeah, its going to be fun that's for sure. I have already started planning what grates will hold what . I don't know If have the 2x lined pan but I do SS drip pan that came with the KK the stone that came with kk with bigger drip pan on top of that but I think that will eliminate the lower grate for cooking. In this weather I thought I might just have to start a big hot basket in the KK to let it heat soak for a few hrs then pull it out and rePack the basket with all the coco char I have. I have a small SS smoker box I usually use, it releases its contents nice and slow. If i have room for it otherwise just some chunks of hickory and peach. Chips just evaporate for me I like the idea of spicy and sweet! Would you put the hams or the shoulders in first? Shoulders you thinking? I have a Digi Q and thermoworks Signals so I'm gonna be use them all! Thanks for the tips
  18. Hi tekobo, Hmmm guess I'm going to have to rethink this abit. If its cooked whole, its all pulled and thats what I was going for, A pulled pig roast. This link here at about 22 mins in. I have roasted a whole pig for slicing and I just never want to do that much work again. Hams only might be ok but pullin it easier I think. Ill think on it Zo0
  19. Hi tekobo ! Interesting, fast and hot on the hams? I was going to do hams and shoulders together on a low and slo and ribs midd section a bit higher. Love to hear why you think not low for hams. I am open to it . Thanks , Zo0
  20. Yes pics of the cook for sure. I thought someone here would have done this, just need to wait until they see this. I may have to do it in 2 cooks. Hams and shoulders last and ribs section first. I get the pig next thursday and will break it down after work then decide what to do. Thnks for your input Bruce and Basher. TBC Zo0
  21. Long story but I've done a few pig roasts and now i've been asked, conscripted, enlisted to do a whole pig, in febrewary in buffalo. Brrrrrr. Now I have used those bloody awful Caja chinas and they fine in the summer but when it's 32 or below? yah ahh no. I have 2 problems here: 1) Can my 23 OTB actually handle 100 lbs of hog and 2) Anyone actually cut one up to do on the KK? Watched a few YT so I might be ok. I came to the conclusion it had to be on my KK cuz it was that or build a concrete pit in the beer garden outside where the festivities are, in less than ideal weather, or struggle with that GD china box. *heavysigh* Any hints, tips, tricks, advice or just plain old commiseration gladly accepted . Going to inject and brine and should probably cut it up then soak. Thanks All. Zo0
  22. Yes spectacular photos indeed ! sorry to hear you were too close ! As I recall, the gas is what killed most of the ppl in ancient rome and pompeii . not the lava ! Merry HoHo and Happy New Year !
  23. Yep, what they said. See my pics in Just another day in buffalo post. shovel, lighter up, cover after. You just don't want moisture to get in and freeze . Sj
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