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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/24/2015 in all areas

  1. I always told my students that people always invest their time, talent, and treasure in those things that are most important to them. Tiny and Ckreef, you good guys prove my point. KUDOS!
    1 point
  2. tiny - here at ChezChef we are a Nice Solid Bite kinda place. I will say this --- I bet your ribs are MUCH better than 99.999% of the commercial Q i've ever eaten. I'll wager the only ribs better than yours .... ARE MINE!
    1 point
  3. I will probably be the least wealthiest kk owner on the planet. I do know how much use I will get out of it, so it made sense to me. I own Akorns and can cook anything I desire on them but if I'm going to cook almost ever night I would rather have the best tool available. Sort of like my motorcycle. Yup a Honda would have worked but I still bought the best American V-twin chopper I could find/afford. I've been saving my pennies too. Also sold a gun and a grill that was not being used to put towards the kk fund. If somebody doesn't understand the kamado I want then they probably also don't understand the motorcycle I ride. I'll just smile and let them go eat McDonald's.
    1 point
  4. I'm no rich guy by any means but I'm not jealous or envious of my neighbors. The problem these days is people feel they are entitled to everything. Its the now time...I want it now, nobody wants to work for what they want. In the short time that I realized I wanted a KK I have been pinching my pennies and cutting back where I could to save a little. I had a good head start on saving but thats what I do. I save then when I see something I want I buy it.
    1 point
  5. Reminds me of a great South Park episode about Prius cars. Prius owners got so caught up in themselves about how much better they were than everybody else, that they literally went around smelling their own farts, because it was obvious that theirs didn't stink like "regular people's!"
    1 point
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