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  1. Did a rerun of yesterday's cook but this time used some blueberry dipping sauce that the smoke house gave me. It is excellent and has some kick to it.
    6 points
  2. Hey all it’s been awhile but I have my first couple of cooks under my belt! Didn’t get the pics of the whole chickens but here are my first bb ribs and the fam devoured them! Cooker is so easy! I’m sure I’ll get even better results but out of the gate the food is great! thanks Dennis you rock!
    4 points
  3. This is a cook that has been several months in the making and we are enjoying the final stage this week, so finally get to share. A while back I had some left over tri-tip and added it in to a pot of veggie soup we were making. Wow, what a difference. So, this summer I started buying tri-tips on sale, loading them up with a nice rub, vacupacking and freezing them up for later. Whenever I have a cook going on I’ll throw one of the tri-tips on while I’m doing the other cook. Then I’ll cube them up, re-freeze and save them for what we call “soup weather” here in the Midwest. We had our first pot of the season this week. The perfect amount of smoke flavor from the KK takes it to a whole new level. Thought I’d throw in a shot of the real focus of the cook which was burgers and brats. I tried the ice cube method, I really do think it made a difference. Good char on the outside without drying out the inside. I took everything down to the lower level after the smoking phase. I use my top rack down over the coals for searing / grilling. It has two levels depending on which handles you set it on. Just another great design feature from Dennis!
    4 points
  4. I was just going to send these pictures to @Aussie Ora in a private message but then thought others may be interested in seeing the comparison. Maybe I can tempt Aussie to take one of the remaining 16's off of Dennis's hands . I have owned the Joe Jr. for about 3 years. Like Aussie, I love that little cooker for small and fast cooks. Used it so much that I told myself I would never be without a mini kamado. Thus when Dennis announced discontinuing the 16 size, I had to get one. The Joe Jr. is going to the family cottage. Here is a side by side picture of the two cookers. The Joe has a slide vent with a Daisy wheel. The KK comes with 2 grates. The Joe comes with one grate, a stand to support the upper cooking level and the heat deflector. I use a pie pan as a drip pan and it fits in between the deflector and the cooking grate. Here is a picture of the round Joe grate on top of the upper KK grate. Both grates are hinged to be able to add charcoal or smoking wood. Here is a picture of the charcoal baskets. The Joe Jr. has a Kick Ash Basket in it. Picture of the lowest cooking position. Picture of the upper cooking position. (no picture of the KK with the lower grate on top of the upper grate for the 3 position). Comments: The Joe Jr. is around 65+ lbs. and is more portable, however it was too heavy to use safely on the boat (bought an Acorn Jr. for the boat). At the same temp cook, the KK burns less charcoal than the Joe (and it hardly uses any) even with stabilizing the KK at cooking temp. They both heat up to temp in about the same time.......the Joe a little faster maybe. The KK holds way more charcoal than the Joe for longer cooks. I put a ceramic plate in the bottom of the Joe under the fire basket to protect the bottom of the Joe...appeared to be a weak spot to me. In just two cooks I found that I could control and maintain temps easier on the KK. The major difference is the quality. The Joe is fragile. The KK is a tank. I have been ready for a new gasket on the Joe for about a year. I have been lucky (careful) and have not cracked the Joe firebox....not going to happen on the KK. For me it boiled down to quality and longer life. I really like using this size cooker and wanted to make sure I would always have one. I was told by someone "in the know" that the Joe Jr. sales were not flying out the door, so who knows if it will be available in the future??? The KK will become my "go to" small cooker and the Joe Jr. will live out it's remaining years at the family cottage. Grab a 16" KK TT before they are gone (Aussie)(Ha!!!!!)
    1 point
  5. Looking forward to taking the crow bar to this tomorrow [emoji3]. Crap weather here in UK right now but I’m on for the burn in at the very least [emoji91] wahoo... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    1 point
  6. I defrosted these .. And I thought I would try something different .chicken rub .Gave the bottom some purple crack and some chicken.. Then gave it a sticky chook rub. . And thought a bit of gun powder would work well..ready to go. . On they go over Peach. . Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  7. Aussie, I could eat that right now, even if it is breakfast time.
    1 point
  8. Thanks Tekobo I have the kitties set up in the master bedroom bathroom. I don’t use it, I use the bathroom in the guest room, long story. Anyway they seem happy and I’m happy. These are the first pets I’ve had in over 30 years. They say pets can help a person live longer so now maybe I’ll make it to 100 LOL
    1 point
  9. A new smoke house opened up about 10 mins. from me so I had them make me some sausages and I took them home to cook on my KK16. [emoji4] It's dark out there so early in the evening. A light supper that I named, Lunch. [emoji6]
    1 point
  10. I always like your cooks Mac, they look delicious. Now I want to cook some sausages. Speaking of cats my daughter talked me into adopting two little kitties Mika and Sheeba they are about 13 weeks old now. They like to sleep in the sink go figure?
    1 point
  11. It is another miserable windy wet day here but that is not going to stop me from firing up the KK 16. Spicy cheese sausage with mashed potatoes and carrots from the garden and yes, Aussie that is a beet salad. A friend is away and I've been asked to feed their outdoor cat. Fig, the cat, is awesome. I call and he starts meowing and comes running. I feed him then it's nap time for an hour or so. I sit on the couch and up he comes. Meet Fig.
    1 point
  12. Hi Aussie Ora, They were were lucky the weather cleared in time for the big race. My nag still running. Kiwi Muz
    1 point
  13. I have been wanting a pizza for ages and today was the day to satisfy the craving. Loaded with peppers, pepperoni, KK bacon, mushrooms, anise and fennel seeds.
    1 point
  14. They Turned out great . . The different chicken spices worked well. . but if I was going to do them again I would swap them from top to bottom. . Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
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