Galette des Rois (King’s Cake) using Inverted Puff Pastry
For the best possible result, follow these recipes exactly.
Inverted Puff Pastry Recipe
In order to roll inverted puff pastry, you must work in a room temperature of 21C or less. If this cannot be achieved with your AC on high, a chilled marble board will help.
Recommended Special Tools
Food Processor (I used thermomix)
2mm metal guides for rolling pastry
I used a manual dough sheeter
Frangipane and Construction
Recommended special tools:
Food processor (I used thermomix)
Pastry bag and round tip
Perforated Silicon Mat
Perforated Sheet Pan
Pie Weights
12x 1cm Steel Nuts (or any support that is heat safe and 3cm tall)
If you follow tradition, you need a fève or a small porcelain trinket to place inside the cake.