I don’t know what I did, but after about 10 tries trying to hold the button down for 15 seconds to do a reset on the system, the reset FINALLY took, and after that I was able to recharge the battery and it all appears to be working normally now. I don’t know what I did- it seemed like I tried the same thing about 10 times, and finally, it just took. Of course, it is a piece of electronic equipment and doesn’t have a personality, so that can’t be right. But there you have it. It is working now, and I didn’t have to send it back to Fireboard in Kansas, and that is all I care about.
I had a prompt email back from Fireboard yesterday and they were happy to repair it, and there was fee is it was out of warranty (it was) and he said cost would be between $30-60, depending. I am just glad I didn't have to send it back and the problem appears for now to be resolved. Thanks for all the helpful tips!