Hoo boy, a question dear to my heart. After building dedicated shelves elsewhere for my extruded lump charcoal museum (I have each generation of "evil empire" and of Dennis charcoal) I built a sled for wood scraps, to slide into the space I'd freed up. My neighbor is a master woodworker, and I get great scraps.
A wheel's a wheel, right? I could hardly move my first draft. There are specs for the weight a wheel can handle, and wheels move easily when they're way under max load.
(What's amusing is like the online "sagulator" for sag calculations, there are online calculators to predict how much weight a screw can handle before pulling out. My wheel boxes are entirely held in place by screws resisting being pulled straight out, and this design is generously overbuilt.)
I can move this sled fully loaded with my big toe. Wheel size and construction matters.