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Everything posted by LeadDog

  1. Could be you were but DJ is the admin so I'm not going there.
  2. Wow last night when I used the link to the 10,000 post it went to the one sanny made and now today it goes to the one DJ made. @PaulR I have 3 Crown Lagers left in the fridge, one for me, one for you, and who gets the last one?
  3. Well now PaulR has me stumped. I'm looking at the bottom of the forum and it says "Our users have posted a total of 9581 articles" so I thought we were a ways off from the 10,000 post mark. PaulR I drank a Crown Larger in honor of you and the 10,000 post tonight anyway.
  4. I saw gerard's avatar and figure DJ has switched it out for him.
  5. LeadDog


    Here is another part to the yes answer. You can also run a wiki with LAMP, MAMP, and WAMP. The first letter of those three words stands for the operating system the rest is Apache, PHP, and MySQL. MAMP on my Mac runs just like an application you can open and quit it just like any other applications. These kind of packages are for people to do development work and not for serving the websites to the world. I use MAMP to server a BLOG for myself that I use as a journal. You can do the same for a wiki if that is what you were looking for.
  6. Why yes everything we say is always in fun. Now when we get close to 10,000 posts I'm going to block DJs IP# from the site. Now watch DJ block me before I can block him.
  7. LeadDog


    TNW I did a quick search on google for free wiki and there looks to be free wikis just like the free blogs. Then there is this form of DYI free wiki that I have. http://wine.techlab.info/wiki I installed Apache 2.0, PHP 4.3.9, and MySQL on another computer that is connected to the internet by DSL 24/7. I had to learn how some things were done but that is what I really wanted to do anyway.
  8. Uh hum! Ya'll R jez jealous since U can't count that high! -=Jasen=- Me too. I will say anything to get to 10,000 before DJ. DJ we have over 200 tanks at work that hold over 10,000 gallons. I count that high all the time. We even have a bunch that go over 100,000 if we want to challenge your counting ability.
  9. Did you just take a wild guess or use some sort of fancy predictive math?
  10. Yea I think he would make a real good wheel dog on the sled dog team.
  11. Wow the deer did a real good job on him.
  12. LeadDog


    The wiki could be hosted on this site. It has everything that is needed to make it work, PHP and MySQL.
  13. It is a combination of spices used for Indian Food. Do I see a theme here today?
  14. If that is the way it works you ought to be really nervous! I have a whole lot of respect for our deer. Chubby had better not forget the leason that they just gave him.
  15. Re: Poor Chubby You see the deer figured out a way to get even with him.
  16. I love Indian Food. You will need to share how you cook any Indian Food in the KK. I have been thinking about doing the Tandoori Chicken without the food coloring also. If you can eat Naan then check out how I made it in the bread section.
  17. Re: Getting a cooker off a pickup You know if he was close by I would unload it for him but I don't know where he lives.
  18. Re: Getting a cooker off a pickup Use a forklift.
  19. Re: Center of the Universe No I'm not the one trying to sell charcoal here. Curly was trying to buy some from me but I knew that shipping would be to much. I get the feeling that DJ hasn't even looked at this thread. DJ are you saying your little place is bigger that the Great Pyramid? Here is the first post of the thread just refresh your memory. Is it possible that you don't know how to post a screenshot of your place from Google Maps or Google Earth? Inquiring Minds want to know DJ.
  20. Where is the picture of your little place DJ?
  21. And the smoke swirls around mysteriously. How did he cook it? No I didn't stuff it, but it is really really good.
  22. Someone call? Ok here is a picture of what is up for lunch today.
  23. Great answer curly, it made me laugh and smile.
  24. Now Curly went and made me mad. Here let me smack you around with this small little stick. A picture of my little place. I highlighted where the grapes came from that made the wine. Over the hill from the house I have pointed out the charcoal pit and the pile of stumps we have for making charcoal. There are other piles of stumps stashed around on the property. Just in case you didn't figure the picture out we own almost everything you see in the picture. Since we are in the middle of prime wine grape growing country we can make a lot more money planting grapes than we can making charcoal. The charcoal is a by product of the firewood business, nobody has a fireplace that can burn the stumps. The firewood business is a by product of clearing the land of Almond tress to plant the grapes.
  25. And you still wouldn't be able to buy it because it costs to much to ship to you.
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