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Everything posted by LeadDog

  1. You see that this formula asks you to wait 12 hours before you cut into the bread after you finish baking it. Right now every time I walk into the kitchen I smell this very wonderful smell so I figured I would write up the formula instead of torturing myself with the smell of the bread. The formula is taken from the book by Jeffrey Hamelman called "Bread A baker's book of Techniques and Recipes". 1) Stiff-Textured Levain: Make the final build approximately 12 hours before the final mix, and let stand in a covered container at about 70°F. 3.2 oz (3/4cup) High extraction whole wheat flour 3.2 oz (7/8cup) Whole Rye flour 4.5 oz (1/2cup)Water Mature culture (Sourdough starter) 1.3oz (3 Tablespoons) 2) Mixing: Add all ther ingredients to the mixing bowl except the salt and levain. Mix just until the ingredients are incorporated into a shaggy mass. Cover the bowl with plastic and let stand for autolyse phase of 20 to 60 minutes. (I did 60 minutes.) At the end of the autolyse, sprinkle the salt over the surface of the dough, cut the levain into fist-size chunks and place them on top of the dough, and finish mixing the dough. The dough with be wet, and the gulten network should be only moderately developed. Desired dough temprature 76°F. 1 lb (3.5 cups) High-extraction whole-wheat flour 3.2oz (7/8cup) Whole Rye flour 6.4 oz (1.5 cups) Bread flour 1 lb 6.1 oz (2.75 cups) Water 0.6 oz (1 Tablespoon) Salt 10.9 oz (all less 3 Tablespoons) Levain 3) Bulk Fermentation: 2.5 hours. 4) Folding: Fold the dough twice, at 50 minute intervals. Fold at 40 minute intervals if the dough strength very great. (I folded at 40 minute intervals) Folding is like punching the dough down but different. Take the dough out of the bowl on a floured surface and pat the dough down into a thick slab. Take the left 1/3 of the slab and fold it to the middle and pat down, brush off the excess flour that the dough picked up from the work bench. Repeat for the right, bottom, and top sides. Place the dough back in the bowl and cover with plastic until the next time to fold the dough. Folding is done during the 2.5 hours of the bulk fermentation. 5) Shaping: I made one loaf from the formula so the dough wasn't divided. Lightly preshape, (I patted the dough down into a slab again and folded the bottom 1/3 away from me. Next I grabbed the right and left sides and brought them to the top edge. This will make a piece of dough with all the seems on one side. Let the dough rest on the work bench for 10 minutes with the seem side up before giving the dough a gentle final rounding. Place the dough seams up in a proofing basket. (I lined a wicker basket with a flour sack towel that I sprayed with oil and lightly floured and put the dough in that.) Protect the bread from air currents with a large bowl or box. 6) Final Fermentation: Approximately 2 to 2.5 hours at 76°F. 7) Baking: With normal steam, 440°F for about 60 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 420°F after 15 mins. Due to the high water content, this bread requires a long full bake. Cool thoroughly on racks, wrapped in baker's linen, and resist the (understandable) temptation to cut into the loaf until it has rested for 12 hours, allowing the flavors and the crumb to set. (For steam I get a spray bottle set to mist and mist my KK right before I put the bread into the oven. I also open the lid and mist the dome a couple more times in the first 5 minutes.) I also rotate the bread 180° after 10 minutes to make sure it is cooking even. The bottom of the bread was nice and brown at 20 minutes so I took it off the pizza stone and slid an inverted pan under the bread to finish cooking. I cooked this in the KK on the pizza stone on the main grill. The KK was preheated to 450° and stabilized before the bread was put in. I'm thinking that I'll make this again next weekend because I think I can make the loaf look better.
  2. Well yesterday in Venison chops. They are all gone. Today it is Sirloin Tip and tonight I will cook a couple of loaves of bread, new recipe.
  3. DJ are you still upset that your KK isn't golden like mine?
  4. LeadDog

    New Site

    Yea I want to install Mac OS 10.4 on it but I don't think the IT department will let me do that.
  5. LeadDog

    New Site

    The graphic for the header on the new site looks really bad on my computer at work. You can't even tell that it is words and looks like it is all compressed down to about 1/2 an inch. The computer at work is a Dell running XP and IE.
  6. Welcome to the forum Woodie. Now just be patient you will get your cooker soon.
  7. LeadDog

    New Site

    Hey it looks really good and different than the last time I saw it. You or Majestic put a bunch of work into it.
  8. http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=735 I have done that in my KK and the only thing I did wrong was I didn't put enough tandoori sauce on the chicken.
  9. You can make Indian food in a KK but a Tandoori is a bit different than a KK. I just thought about what was going on in the Tandoori and adapted it to the KK.
  10. Just a little update to the wine. I have one barrel that is coming along fine. The malic acid has been converted to lactic acid so I added SO2 to the wine to protect it from turning into vinegar. Not much else to do but check that wine once a month and keep the barrel topped up. I'm still looking to bottle it in August. Oh and it tastes really good and the people at work like it.
  11. Today on the KK will be Venison Ribs. Then after that will be Sourdough bread with extra whole grains, Rye.
  12. No I have never done pork ribs ever. The only pork ribs I ever remember eating are the ones that Mo's makes for us at our end of harvest party at work. We also had plenty on meat in the freezers so there wasn't a need to go out and buy meat.
  13. My niece went to town and got some pork ribs at a place I had never tried before. You know what? They are good and I'm looking forward to cooking them sometime on the KK. The people that cook the pork ribs for our party at work need to be fined for ruining such a good piece of meat. For more background on this subject check the post I made here. viewtopic.php?p=10162#10162 Found in this thread if that doesn't work. http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewt ... 5&start=15 Does it replace venison as my number one meat? No but I will walk across the street now to eat some. I would imagine that all of you make pork ribs that taste even better than what I had today.
  14. Green Peas is just one of the few foods I hate. I got the eat your peas or go to bed without supper line from my parents. Good thing they are so small you can eat them without chewing them.
  15. PARESH65 Glad to hear you got it working and welcome to the KK family.
  16. I bought both of the books and have read both of them. I like them both and if you can only buy one either one will be fine. I currently am using the formulas from "Bread" because they are based on the kind of sourdough starter that I have. I do want to use the formulas in "Bread Baker's Apprentice" but will when I have time to figure out how to change to his kind of sourdough stater. I personally liked "Bread Baker's Apprentice" just a little bit better but for personal reasons not for technique. Here is my latest batch of Sourdough Bread. The last batch got very good comments from people and I have a feeling these loaves will even be better. There is still a lot for me to learn but now I don't feel like I'm baking bread totally blind.
  17. I just took some venison rounds out of the freezer and plan on making some sourdough bread also.
  18. Posting from Firefox right now. Could your problem be something else?
  19. I was out lighting up my KK today and the lump was throwing off sparks with a bit of wind blowing around. I thought it would make an interesting picture.
  20. I never noticed before but when I went to use mine today it was still warm inside from the cook yesterday. The dial on the bottom was open just a hair. The charcoal looked like it was all out. I do know that from checking the dial after shutting the KK down that is does hold its heat a long time.
  21. You could have the cooker shipped to you by truck if you can't pick it up.
  22. I like the pig avatar it is just right for Porkchop.
  23. Welcome to the forum Central Pork! Happy cooking.
  24. 2nd try was just great! I had to learn how to make bread before I would even try to make pizza. Tonight I took it out 5 mins sooner and it was great! This is one of the reasons I got a KK. Now I can make really good pizza.
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