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Everything posted by LeadDog

  1. Now I never said it was awful just that it doesn't do much for me. Well there is this one sort of pork that runs around here that is even better than venison but I don't get that very often, wild boar.
  2. LeadDog


    I really love Naan but was afraid to make it in the KK since that isn't how it is normally made. I look all over the internet at the different flat bread recipes and got a general idea on how people would cook them. I tried a Pita bread recipe just to see how it would work and it was ok. I figured I could do better the next time. I then looked at my recipe for Naan and saw it was just about the same expect for a few ingredients. I fired up the KK and put it on HIGH and this is what came out. I cooked them on a cookie sheet for about 4-5 mins then flipped them over right on the grill for 30 seconds. They were amazing. The texture, feel, and taste was just right. Very happy camper here.
  3. Ok I have some Venison Ribs getting ready for tomorrow. Sorry but Pork really doesn't do much for me.
  4. Your cooker must be sending up the wrong kind of smoke signals.
  5. Yea my eyes caught that Zin too. This is what it looks like it was to me. http://www.epinions.com/content_98508574340 By the way I just ordered 3,025 vines of Zinfandel to plant.
  6. The website did have the price but I upgraded the version of Joomla that I was running and it wiped the website out. The backup I had was an earlier version so the prices are not posted. Looks like I can get a freight quote online. The last time I did any shipping was before the internet because famous. How long will that 600 pounds last you?
  7. Farmer John the URL you gave us has us opening Google Maps to our default location in Google Maps.
  8. Re: HotStuff Charcoal I don't know how much it costs to ship a pallet of charcoal to South Carolina. I would have to ship it common carrier and their prices are normally higher than what I would like to pay. How many bags do you consider a pallet? I think we stack them 4 to a layer and seems we could put 4 layers on a pallet. What are you trying to do pry me away from my cooking and make me do some work?
  9. Sanny's comment about her dog being the center of the know (unknown) universe reminded me that I have a picture of it. The green arrow points to just about right where my persimmion tree is. How about posting your centers of the universe?
  10. DJ what are you going to do when the iPhone comes out? We will be taking pictures and surfing the net from all over the place then.
  11. Re: Laptop cam Thumbs up on the apple laptop, I have one too. This is what I suggest that you cook for your first time, your favorite food.
  12. Wow I think we could use those words in a song and it would be a big hit! :smt020 :smt020
  13. Curly get one of these, they just work. http://tiniuri.com/c/pT Firemonkey get a KK! Those are a great deal. Then you can join the croud making fun of DJ.
  14. LeadDog

    New Section

    Re: New Section Road Kill? Come on you know better than that. By the way I have been cooking chicken on the KK lately anyway. But an other meat section would be good for any venison recipes that I do.
  15. You must have seen this thread? viewtopic.php?t=688 Making wine is easy by the way.
  16. What took you so long to start therapy? I started it the day I got my cooker! Not really but isn't it nice not to have to worry about your cooker?
  17. I tried doing Spatchcock Chicken for the first time. It really is very easy. I got all the info I needed from TNW's website. http://www.nakedwhiz.com/spatch.htm I put some "Pepper Plant" seasoning on the chicken. Somewhere I got in my mind that I was to take it out after an hour. Here is that picture. It looked good but still needed to cook some more. When it came out the second time it was gone before I could take a picture. Well I was really so hungry by that time I wasn't going to take a picture. I'm going to try it again. I think I have a better idea on how long to leave it in the KK this time.
  18. I make my own lump and I sell it too. Seems to work fine with my KK. We are going to be talking with a company that wants to sell our lump online. I guess we could ship lump if people twisted my arm enough.
  19. Same here I have been cooking on it quite a bit and have just now emptied my first 30 pound bag of charcoal.
  20. I asked Dennis for the one that goes to 1,000 and he said that he isn't shipping them anymore. He said something like "I did this to discourage people from using insanely extreme high temperatures".
  21. This is the wrong place to ask that kind of question. All of us will just tell you "YES pull the trigger"!!!
  22. I have been away and so I'm late posting. Victoria Bitter is one of the beers made by the company that I work for, keep up the good work.
  23. Merry Christmas to all!!! Where is the Holly Emoticon?
  24. Poor dog someone name it "Lead". I hope it was after the heavy metal.
  25. Hey did someone put the koolaide formula in the recipe section?
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