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Everything posted by GoFrogs91

  1. Yep. Terra blue for the 23" and harvest gold pebble for the new one Benton
  2. How do you like your 19? I have a 23 and am getting a 19 just like yours. Benton
  3. I should be showing off a tall 19 in a couple of weeks Benton
  4. Marilyn, what are you guys cooking on? We love pics.
  5. Of course you know, if for any reason they aren't ready for the ship, you will have to wait another month for the next container. 😛
  6. Thanks heavenly. I haven't looked at it yet, but have downloaded.
  7. Love the cobalt blue! If anything is missing, Dennis will get it right out. Yes, grill grabbers are included.
  8. GoFrogs91


    Wow Bosco. Beautiful pics as always.
  9. Wilbur, I have been watching the ongoing thread of KK beating over on KG. Admit it. You're on commission to sell KKs for Dennis. 😉 The most interesting slant that I saw on KG was the hard and fast rule enacted on not discussing customer service issues. From previous messages on the subject, KJ service seems to be good. Just struck me as disingenuous to the people who are trying to figure out what to buy. You know it's funny. For the months leading up to my KK purchase, I read a ton of historical posts on this forum. I can't think of one instance where someone mentioned a component of their KK failing and needing to file a warranty claim. For those on the fence out there or those with KKs on order (Yes Bosco. I'm talking to you.) this is just one phenomenally built grill. I am absolutely thrilled to have mine and look forward to getting my second later this month.
  10. Maybe I am. "Let them eat cake."
  11. To those that use Dutch ovens on the grill, does it damage the outside? I have some nice cast iron/ceramic coated pots that I have been chicken to use.
  12. Bosco, several KK users go back and forth with no issues. We all love our KKs and tend to gush on them at times. Unfortunately, that sometimes is interpreted as the grilling equivalent of telling a group of loyal Chevy owners why you love your Porsche. A KK is an aspirational purchase and it isn't for everyone for a variety of different reasons, which is fine. Sadly, KK'ers and their enthusiasm for their grills is misinterpreted at times as rubbing others' noses in it. When I saw your post on the guru site announcing that you bought, not one, but two KKs I thought, "Oh boy. The long knives will be coming out." With your historic passion for your KJs and your prolific posting on the site, there are bound to be some that see you as some sort of traitor. Don't sweat it. It is what it is. You're definitely welcome here. And by the way........l won't believe you bought two of them until they are placed at the Bosco palace. With no pictures, it didn't really happen.😜
  13. Wow! That thing is massive! Good for you.
  14. Bosco, I too am on the KG site. There does seem to be a bit of a feeding frenzy at times. I haven't seen that here. Enjoy the serenity and don't bring the infection.
  15. I have a 23" and most often cover the lower grate with foil and put a foil pan on top of it to catch the drippings. Just the easiest to set up and clean up. The drippings will generally burn if you don't use the deflector. However, if I wanted to save the drippings, I would use the deflector plate and still sit the foil pan on the lower grate. Same reason. Easy setup and easy cleanup. Dennis's grill shaped drip pans look great, I just don't want to clean one.
  16. Wilbur, I had the same question. Almost like a light pastrami in color. What an unusual spice blend tiny. How was it?
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