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Everything posted by tomahawk66

  1. Looks like it was an app issue: fixed now! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Are the images working? They are showing as garbled html links on the app?!?<br /> <br /> <br /> Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32<br />
  3. Ok, I did this cook back on the 7th to celebrate Chinese New Year here in Singapore. Wanted a real center piece for the table and my wife reminisces about her grandfather's tradition of cooking a whole pig every year when she was a little girl in Northern China... So we had to go pig mad!! First up the ribs: Dry brine over night before adding the (salt less) home made rub: it's Meathead of AmazingRibs website's "Memphis Dust" recipe And now for "this little piggy" Double decker Pork tower!!! It really "hogged" the limelight that night!! Wouldn't be Chinese New Year without 200 home made Chinese dumplings from SWMBO and mother-out-law: Makes for an epic spread: And a less traditional 'adult beverage' to round out the evening If you can see straight by midnight then ya 'ain't trying!! Let's just say the morning after was a lot less fun.... But Angie always steals the show: æ­å–œå‘è´¢and happy new year everyone!! (Yes: I get 2 excuses for New Years debauchery and take full advantage of that fact!! ) Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  4. Think I'll try the main grate, direct with a 400 degree fire. This should give enough heat and be similar to a standard grill while not being so hot as to burn chicken etc before it cooks... I won't use it for steaks, but sausages, burgers etc should work...<br /> <br /> <br /> Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32<br />
  5. Hi all,<br /> <br /> I'm new to Kamado cooking and have had a lot of fun with low and slow Pork shoulders and the like. However, I'd like to know how best to set up for grilling burgers, veggies, sausages etc...<br /> <br /> What would you all recommend? Basket splitter? Temperature? Grill height? What about waiting for the charcoal to burn down, or get cooking now straight away?<br /> <br /> Looking for your tips and advice please help!<br /> <br /> <br /> Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32<br />
  6. Loving it so far! And yes, the old houses in Chip Bee gardens are great, but I had to put in some cash to get it set up. I'm planning long term so didn't mind too much! Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  7. Hmmm... One day maybe a 23 or 19 or 16 or all of them!! Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  8. Best colour for sure 😜 Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  9. I've now owned my 32" big bad for 2 weeks or so and I can categorically state that it is perfect! Honestly, if you are looking to buy a KK and only plan to get one (ok... So that was the original plan but I kinda want another now lol!) then there are very few reasons why you wouldn't get a 32 in my opinion. The first and most valid is space/weight. For example Cookie on the forum lives in a pent house in Singapore and there is flat out no way that he could have got a 32 up the stairs to his "Sky terrace". The 32 is big and heavy for sure. Other than a logistical reason like that: I really don't see why not go for a 32. It's SO flexible! And when you are investing in a piece of equipment like this the cost difference between a 23 and a 32 isn't as important as it seems on paper. That only leaves the argument that you don't need the size and don't want to light up a heap of lump for a quick dinner for two. With the basket splitter this isn't an issue: I can cut down my charcoal use to 50% of a full 23 basket using the splitter, and it's super easy to put in and take out. Plus it crates an excellent indirect zone. The key advantage of the 32 though is grill space, let's be honest; most Kamados are not great for a classic bangers and burger cook but the 32 gives you the real estate to do this This is honestly the first and last BBQ/smoker/pizza oven/grill I will ever own: I needed it to excel at everything and it does! I'm not saying anything against the other sizes but realistically the 32 is the best multi tasker. I love to be able to chuck in the basket splitter covering 75% of the basket and get the coals ready to sear off 2 sous vide steak or chicken or salmon or [insert protein of choice here] in 10 mins on a week night or chuck in a 10 lbs pork butt or 2 (or 6!) at the weekend and watch it hardly consume half of a basket of coco char over 12 hours at 250. I can't wait to get back from business travel and find me a 30 lbs whole hog for my housewarming party!! All the KKs are excellent, but to me, my big blue "R2-D2" isn't just a jack-of-all-traits but a true master! Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  10. Thanks! It was my first attempt ever and I'm quite happy with the result: it went pretty far too: 12 people fed off of one 2.5 kg butt Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  11. Sous vide poached egg, a slice of smoked salmon and some home made hollandaise sauce! That's the perfect accompaniment to those muffins. I should know: I'm English 😜 Seriously though: can you share the recipe? They look epic (as usual from our resident baking goddess!!!) Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  12. Thanks guys, that's one of the main reasons for having a 32: I can do big old parties and small cooks too! Super flexible!! Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  13. Yes! This is the real danger with a KK... Tempting to cook more food than you'll ever need!! Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  14. Seems quite an arse about front way of doing things: he trims the fat off the brisket AFTER cooking it?!? Thought you were supposed to do it before... Why bother with rub if you'll just cut it off afterwards? Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  15. It's Singapore dollars which are 1.4 to the US dollar. So that's 49 bucks of pork there... Yes: butcher shop meat prices are crazy here... Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  16. Yes, me too... Didn't think to do that test... Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  17. First off: happy New Years KKers!! For NYE we did some snacks rather than a full dinner and I decided to do a pulled pork shoulder: a first for me. Cooked it for 11 hours at 250F and then removed the skin and cranked the KK to 400 to crisp up (did some sausages and chicken skewers as well - but they got eaten before I could take photos!) the pork pulled beautifully! I deglazed the drip pan with some apple cider vinegar and water mix before adding it back into the pork. Also I roasted a Camembert but the grill was a little too hot - will try it cooler next time! Everyone had a good time: And a treat for for the chef after: 😄😄😄 Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  18. And the food photos? 😜 Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  19. I've got a 32, I'm keeping her stationary so probably most at risk of flat spots on the wheels, however I've been on the forum for a while now and know one has ever complained about it in the past.as for moving the 32 and it's not too bad, but also check for slopes, if the 32 gets away from you and you are by yourself it gets scary! Once you get it moving on a flat surface you can walk it around with relative ease. Stopping and starting takes a little work though! Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  20. Skin was perfect! I cranked the KK to 500 for the last 30 mins and it really worked! Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
  21. Thanks guys! Surprised to see a smoke ring as I was just using coco char. Actually, as I'm not used to smoked meats it was just right. You could tell it was cooked on open fire but was a roast rather than pulled pork and was very appropriate! Oliver, In Singapore. Cobalt Blue 32
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