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Posts posted by Conodo12

  1. Rancher is a big name on the competition circuit. The guys with the gravity feeders love 'em as they are uniform in size and don't bridge in the hoppers. I tried some Stubbs charcoal the other week. They were a bit tough to light but did burn hot (if you wanted the heat). Cheap enough at six dollars and change for an 18 pound bag. Lots of ash. I'd use it again in a pinch but definitely prefer good old lump charcoal...

    Hey Whiz - I couldn't find Stubbs Charcoal on your site - ever test or use it?

  2. I did imaginary T-Bones tonight (hence no pics but a full belly). There will be baby backs on tomorrow. Friday I am up in the air but thinking wings (lots) or maybe shrimp. Got a day off on the 4th as SmokeyKen is doin' up a full packer and probably a pork shoulder. Now I just need to work out something for Sunday and I am set...(pizza?)

    Also, I noticed FM's post in the daily pics area. I've got pics on the camera, just gotta get 'em off of there and into the forum. I even have a movie made of my set arriving, uncrating, etc. Just gotta find time!! :shock:

  3. Hey Joe -

    How about moving past the pulled pork (although I do agree that a loin may be your answer) and getting on the Chuck Roll? I did a 14 pound chuck roll from Costco for my nephews graduation party. It was a big hit and we removed virtually no fat from the chuck roll when we pulled it for sandwiches.

    Just a thought!


  4. You've got a good question there and a couple of good answers from the replies. I would reiterate the use of this forum for cooking on the KK (or any ceramic). Simply use the "Search" function and tap in the item you are interested in preparing, ie. Steaks, Pork Butt, Ribs, etc. You'll see several threads (often times with pics) that explain and discuss how the cook was achieved and what might be changed (if anything). 8)

  5. So, this one is not too tough to answer seeing as you answered the question yourself! ;);)

    Stop using the coconut charcoal for quick cooks! Seriously, use straight lump charcoal for the fast high-temp cooks. That, or if you want to use the coconut charcoal (I assume the ECC from Komodo, correct?) then start some regular lump on top of the KKECC. That lump will light quicker, get hot and subsequently light the ECC. Then you are off to the races. Also, open the top damper ALL the way UP for hot cooks. Also, twist open your draft to full open and slide the draft door open a bit. Do the same with the door on the back of the KK. This will allow A LOT of air in from the bottom and out the top. You will see very fast results using this method. I am at 600 degrees using plain old lump and with the draft doors set as mentioned in about 15 to 20 mins tops. You will end up sliding the doors closed and controlling the temp with the draft wheel. If you leave the draft doors slid open, you will go WAY beyond 600 degrees.

    Let us know how this works for you, OK?

  6. Re: Flank Steak

    I know I like my steak rare myself but the wife and daughter want no pink in sight' date=' so when we do flank we compromise, cook it their way.[/quote']

    Spoken like a man that knows how to pick his battles - well played!! :lol:

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